
Feb 28, 2010 03:32

Who: B'kaiv, G'dri
When: Night, day 22 // Morning, day 23, month 1, turn 22, Interval 10. Backscene.
Where: G'dri's Weyr, FTW
What: After Chielyth's flight, G'dri's found his way back home and receives a very unexpected, but very welcome, visitor.

Note: Kai and G'dri are being quite discreet and when in public, give few clues that their friendship is anything more than that. If you are interested in 'outing' them, please ping one (or both) of us to work out particulars of how they might be discovered.

G'dri's Weyr, Fort Weyr
A single large room, the placement of furniture divides this weyr into clear sections. A small hearth marks the 'heart,' the stone carved into a decorative border of oak leaves and acorns leading up to the narrow mantle. A large, round crocheted rag rug is centred before it, with two soft, high backed chairs placed to either side. Directly opposite sits a wide couch, past its prime with a definite sag at the middle, fat cushions in the corners and a knitted afghan draped over the back.

Shelves have been cut directly into the walls, some little autumnal decorations of leaves and nuts and berries continuing here and there around their edges. One set holds some few little books, some carvings and a rather extensive rock collection with a few sea shells looking out of place. Another set holds various small boxes, lidded and many are neatly labelled as to their contents: jewelry making supplies. The table set along one wall seems more workstation than place to take meals, with the chairs stacked out of the way to either end and a single tall stool being the most-used seat.

At the very back of the weyr is a small area where food stuffs and beverages can be stored, a narrow stone counter creating the niche. A thick, dark blue curtain hanging from hooks pounded right into the ceiling keeps the 'bedroom' private, not that there's anything to see beyond the bed, nightstand and wardrobe.

It's somewhere between 8 and 9 on the night of Chielyth's flight, only a few hours since the tiny green set off from Fort with her pursuers and returned all wrapped up in Khazioth. The pair have since returned to a spot near the guest weyr, the tiny green tucked up neatly under the large bronze's wing. So it will likely come as a surprise to Khameth when she reaches out to him, wondering where *G'dri* is and can Kai see him?

A surprise yes, and Khameth's mind is heavily cloaked in silvery mists, keeping her at one remove though not unkindly so. In his quiet manner he passes along the information that G'dri has returned to his weyr, and if Chielyth is disinclined to move just yet, the old blue himself will glide down to the bowl for transport purposes. However Kai gets up there, when he enters he'll find G'dri has pulled his chair as close to the fire as he can get without just sitting in the middle of the flames. Tired and a bit worn-looking, he's slouched down with his head tipped back, eyes closed.

Chielyth reeeeeeally doesn't want to leave Khazioth, so if Khameth would be so nice...? Yay! Faint birdsong marks her approval for as long as she remembers, but really, there's this Khazioth here, and if Khameth will excuse her? Kai is a little better as he slips out of Khameth's straps and pauses to give the old blue a longer pat than necessary. He gives the ledge an extra look too, but there's only so long he can delay; eventually he makes his hesitant way into the familiar weyr as though uncertain of his welcome. "Hey," he offers from the doorway, scruffy and in need of a haircut.

Khameth whuffs softly at the greenrider before moving to coil himself up, lids closing one by one to hide his eyes. Another pair of eyes are opening, however, bright blue and G'dri pushes himself a bit more upright. "Hey," he returns, a little uncertain himself. "I... had not expected to see you, tonight." But his smile when it comes says he's glad for it, and another push sends him fully to his feet. Starting across the room, he lifts a hand to hold it out to Kai, invitation and welcome.

A bunch of emotions traipse across Kai's face, poking in corners and looking in cabinets and generally making themselves known. Eventually a combination of mortification, contrition, and relief settle in, leaving B'kaiv to move into the older man's orbit with a hand clasp of his own. "Yeah," he says, trying to make it light and not quite succeeding, "He, uh, left. And I...." His eyes dart around the room like he's never seen it before, quite obviously avoiding the G'dri-shaped spot in the middle (though he probably thinks he's being quite casual). In a rush, "Didn't want t' be alone, or nothing."

Seeing that mortification and contrition bring a pang of sympathy to G'dri's own expression, and something slightly shamefaced as well. It might also carry through in his voice, since Kai is looking elsewhere, though at first all the bluerider says is, "B'kaiv." Past experiences might lead it to be expected that more calm words would follow, but instead with a sharp indrawn breath, the elder man steps closer still, lifting his other arm to draw the younger into an embrace if it's permitted. G'dri, at a loss for words?

His name, said so calmly, in such a familiar voice, draws Kai's attention to G'dri like a lodestone. Quite probably he's expecting more comforting platitudes, but when the hug comes Kai's not going to turn it down. He's got a quick hitch of breath of his own before his arms fold gratefully around the older man and all but surrenders into the bluerider's embrace. Head on his shoulder, face turned away, B'kaiv just stands there for a handful of seconds, breathing coming in shuddering sighs.

G'dri's turned his face towards Kai's neck, and there's a suspicious tremble in his shoulders as his arms tighten around the greenrider. "Come sit by the fire?" he asks after a time, his voice gone a little gruff. "I can get us something to drink, too, if you want." Reluctantly he eases back, and no his eyes are /not/ wet thankyou, that glitter is just a trick of the light. Really. Maybe. Okay no, he's a sap. "I'm glad you came. I-- How are you?" As if the hug weren't something of an answer to that question already.

B'kaiv's gone out on a limb already, in admitting that hey, he's not entirely self-contained and impervious to need, so it's not much of a step to agree to sitting by (not in) the fire. "Yeah." He draws back slowly, and save for a pained grimace, delays answering G'dri's question until he's drawn up the other chair and all but fallen into it. "Ain't never gonna say no t' something t' drink," says he, followed promptly by, "Shells, I'm a wherry," as he examines the rug.

Staying close but trying not to invade too much on the other man's space, G'dri hovers a little anxiously. "Whiskey?" His lighter options, as Kai will know, are ale, water and klah, and it's unusual for him to just go straight for the harder stuff. But then, tonight's been a bit unusual all around. "You are not," he says, lingering a little still to aim a hand towards Kai's shoulder before he finally turns and trundles across the room to collect their drinks. Or well, two glasses and the decanter -- the whole thing's coming with. "But why do you say that, this time?"

"/Yeah/," says Kai to whiskey, and if he notices how strange it is G'dri isn't ramping up to the heavy stuff, he doesn't say a word. Eyes closed, he still manages to lay his hand over the bluerider's; perhaps more importantly, he manages to let the other man go and not clutch desperately so he'll stay. "At're," he mumbles like that will make sense; adds haltingly, "Wanted him t' stay. Told him t' go."

Mumbles might be harder to hear, but G'dri's is a small weyr and he's also listening for it. The glasses clank and clatter together and he curses quietly, spends entirely too long examining them for cracks. His dishes are unharmed though, and his expression back to being mostly-calm by the time he's reached the chairs again. One glass is poured and handed to Kai with a soft, "Here." The second poured and kept for himself as he sits down, not in his own chair, but on the floor near the greenrider's feet. It takes him a few swallows, two dry and one of alcohol, before he manages, "There is nothing wrong with... with wanting to... stay."

B'kaiv rasps, "Thanks," and tosses back a good slug of the amber fluid while G'dri settles; after, one foot inches nearer until he's wormed a toe into the hallow under the other man's leg. "Yeah. No. He wouldn't've." He pauses then to blow out a breath too heavy to hold. "Wanted him." No, correct that: "Still want him. Chieltyth...." But that thought he doesn't finish, and has another swallow of whiskey instead. In a smaller voice, "Want me t' go, I will. Just didn't... want t' be - t' sleep there alone." Yes, that's it. He didn't want to spend the night in a big scary weyr, all by himself save for the monsters under the bed.

Looking down and deliberately not up, G'dri shifts his glass to his other hand and reaches to curl his fingers lightly around the back of B'kaiv's calf. He's trying very hard, but his flinch not only spasms his expression but jerks his head to one side as his shoulders hunch. "You are still bound up in her," he guesses more than states. "It's been so long, and it's different as well, with males, I think. I've forgotten-- /no/." He finally turns to look up at the younger man, his careful reserve dropping and leaving his expression unguarded, intense and full of longing. And guilt. "I want you. To stay. I-- You--" Fourty-four turns old, you'd think he'd be a bit better at this sort of thing. "I had not expected--" But he's said that already. "Stay with me, Kai. My h- home, is yours."

Kai's drawn in on himself save for that one leg, shoulders hunched protectively over his glass and eyes squinched nearly closed. "Maybe." Two seconds later, "Sorta," like the word is coated in barbed wire. "I dunno what happened." In the flight? After it? Before? He glances up at the stammering, startled, and essays a tentative smile. "Ain't gonna throw me out?" It's just barely a question, hardly a joke, but the thread is there all the same. "Can we...?" Then a refrain all too familiar, "I dunno what I want." At least this time he knows what to do.

G'dri needs to toss back the rest of his whiskey, grimacing as he does so. Then his hand is shifting upwards towards Kai's knee, the leverage very much needed for him to reach a kneeling position. "Shells, no, why would I throw you out? I--" He stops again, takes a deep breath. "We can do whatever you want, Kai. Talk, sleep or.... I want you." Quiet response to that familiar refrain. "Shards, do I ever. But I can contain myself if all you need is simple companionship." Although that's not exactly going to stop him from reaching up, aiming to slide his hand around the back of Kai's head, fingers slipping towards his neck as he seeks to claim at least one helluva kiss tonight.

A cynic might say that Kai's only come to G'dri because he can't have At're. The romantic might say that Kai's come to G'dri rather than stay with At're. As for Kai himself? He's not that good at talking. His leg stiffens for G'dri to brace against, hand offered as an additional hold, glass forgotten for now. "Dunno what I want," he repeats despite leaning in even before the bluerider's reaching back to pull him close. He tastes like whiskey and hunger, and if -he- doesn't know what he wants, his body is very much aware and has no idea why he's waffling like this. When they finally break Kai rests his forehead on the other man's shoulder, not quite bent double in the chair. "S'go t' bed."

Cynical view or romantic one, right now the motivation is less important than the fact that Kai came at all. The repetition brings something of a sad smile to G'dri's lips before they're locked with the greenrider's. They taste the same, tonight, and there is at least no confusion on the bluerider's part, not in body, mind or heart. Breathing more like he's just sprinted across the bowl, longways, it takes him what might be an uncomfortable span of moments before he can gather himself to rise. "Yes," he agrees, hands shifting to gently draw Kai up after him. And from there to the bed, not terribly far away, and talking with words can wait. Bodies can have a far less stilted conversation, and sometimes say things tongues lack the skill to.

It's all too easy for the greenrider to drop off to sleep after, no matter how enthusiastic his body might be. Kai has had quite an exciting evening already, not to mention that he's been insomniac the past few days thanks to Chielyth, but the next morning finds him awake fairly early. It takes him a few sleepy seconds to focus once his eyes open, and the progression of thoughts across his face is quite clear for anyone to read: Chielyth rose. She got caught. This must be the guest weyr. Wait a minute, this isn't the guest weyr. Wait a minute, that isn't At're. Wait, what?

Less exciting, but no less exhausting, a night for G'dri, he's not far behind in the falling to sleep. Kai will be well familiar with the fact that the bluerider likes to linger at least for a while in closeness after intimacy. What will become clear as his brain starts working enough to make connections, is that the bluerider likes to stay close the entire night through. Curled peaceably on his side, some of the lines in his face smoothed away in sleep, G'dri doesn't seem to have hardly budged as far as proximity. An early riser by nature, it's not long after Kai's realised that he's not in the guest weyr next to a young stud muffin, that bright blue eyes blink open. A couple more blinks, and a sudden, bright, /happy/ smile stretches across his lips as he reaches over. "/Kai/. Good morning." The words are clear enough, for all his voice is still fuzzy from sleep.

B'kaiv hasn't moved much earlier, and not only because G'dri's laying on his arm. Perhaps it's one of his tentative 'can I move this without disturbing him' twitches that's woken the bluerider, but whatever caused consciousness to return, it's well and truly back now. "G'dri," Kai says cleverly and glances over; what he finds there calls up one of his own crooked smiles. He amends, "Grin," and draws the bluerider's arm across his chest like a very small blanket. And just to prove how clever he is, "This ain't th' guest weyr."

Maybe it's the way his arm is drawn, or maybe it's /that/ nickname being used, but G'dri shifts in an attempt to cuddle even closer. Which should at least free up Kai's arm. "No, no it isn't," he chuckles, his tones full of affection. And a little concern, "Do you not remember coming here?"

B'kaiv could free his arm but doesn't. Instead he curls it about G'dri's shoulders, and after a moment or two, shifts his hand to the other man's hip where the angle of elbow isn't as acute. "Sorta." No, wait. "Yeah." He remembers too, with a pang, "At're... I mean, Khazioth. Caught her." Absently his hand strokes over skin in silent reassurance. "Thanks. For... you know."

No wincing like the bronzerider's name is a physical blow, at least. G'dri merely nods against Kai's shoulder. Amazing what a decent bit of sleep can accomplish. "Yes." Simple. Calm. His fingers curl, seek to trail over a pectoral and make the jump over to biceps. "I am always here for you, Kai," he says, though it comes out sounding more like a promise than a statement of fact. "Thank you. For trusting me."

Kai glances curiously over at that promise-cum-statement, though it's that latter that causes him to snort. "Always done, ain't I? Since that - that first time." How long ago was that? Kai probably knows. In any case he obligingly tenses that bicep that's being explored, muscles stiffening under curious fingers. "What happens now? This ain't... I don't remember V'rel saying nothing about -this-." Presumably 'and the greenrider goes off and has confused desperation sex with someone besides the rider of the dragon who caught her'.

"For which I find myself overwhelmingly grateful," G'dri replies quietly, edging close to emotional territory. A smaller version of his normal smile touches his lips, as he slides his fingertips back over the changed curve of flexed muscles. "Now?" The lazy exploration stills as he shifts his head to look at the greenrider, brows furrowing in confusion. What's V'rel got to do with anything? "I don't--" Hold it. Maybe he does. "Ahh. It depends largely upon the individuals involved, the aftermath. I... can only tell you of my personal experience and preference. There were only ever a very few with whom I ever desired to remain, after Khameth won their greens. Sometimes they wished me to stay, sometimes not. For myself, I preferred to return to Y'ren, if he was available. There is no... guideline, or expectation." He pauses, lifting his head a little further. "What would you like to happen?"

Again Kai looks over, this time with a faint twitch of a smile in response. His fingers might well be linked to G'dri's: when the bluerider's skim on his bicep Kai's cover the same amount of territory on a hip, and when they still, so do his. "Did you? Ever? I told him t' go," he admits with a wince, probably not remembering that he's already admitted it. "Didn't want him to." He takes in a breath to continue but gets blindsided by another thought; thoughtful, he faces the other man. "He was there, weren't he? I mean, you? Khameth?"

G'dri's fingers remain still, after losing some of their curl to allow his palm to settle. "Stay?" he queries, though he doesn't really wait for confirmation or negation. "There were a couple, over the turns, with whom I had formed a deeper connection and so, remaining with them through the night was a pleasant prospect for both of us." Leaving it unspoken that without an emotional bond of some sort, sex by itself just isn't a good enough reason to stay. "I know," and his voice has dropped down to a whisper, remembering the confession of the previous evening. He tries not to let it show, but sleep alone can't fully mend the irrational hurt that makes him feel. Still soft, "We were, yes. She... caught us both off guard. But when she reached for him, he followed. It was... unexpected."

By the time Kai can muster enough energy to grunt 'yes, did G'dri stay' the bluerider's already answering, and Kai settles to let him finish. "I, uh. Sorta remember that. S'all...." His free hand comes up, dislodging G'dri's hand from his bicep, to carve a twisty-turny-truncated path of circles through the air. "Some it was me, I think, and some was her." A pause. "I think." Another thought sends him scooting up in alarm, perhaps throwing the bluerider off entirely. "T'rev? Was he there?"

Dislodged hand will endeavor to land back on Kai's chest, at least for as long as it can. "Muddled," G'dri supplies, in a manner typical by now when he wishes to let the greenrider know that he understands what is meant by the talking-hands. But any other thought he might have added doesn't make it past the 'thought' stage, as that scoot startles him as much as dislodges him from his comfy curl. "No," he says gently, his hand reaching briefly towards Kai's shoulder. "He was not." Then he's intentionally continuing the unintentional roll, over onto his back to indulge in a stretch before pushing himself up into something closer to a seated position.

B'kaiv says, "Yeah." It's a good thing someone understands his semi-coherent grunts and hand gestures. He blows out a huge breath, head sagging back to thunk against the wall, exaggeratedly relieved at the Weyrleader's absence. "Good. That woulda... -good-." He watches the roll and stretch, especially the play of Threadscored scars, with some interest, but not enough, apparently, to grab the bluerider and repeat last night. "Guess we should get breakfast, huh. Think I remembered t' get supper; least, I don't feel like starting in on your chairs."

"I only recognised a few," G'dri adds, brows furrowing a little. Then he glances over and has once again found that bright smile that he first greeting B'kaiv with this morning. "Probably a good thing. They're so old by now that I'm sure they'd be quite stale," he jokes. Another shift sees him reaching out, aiming to briefly cover one of Kai's hands with his own. Then he's scooting over to the far edge of the bed and swinging his legs over, preparatory to standing. "If you only want very simple, I've some bread and cheese and can brew some klah. Otherwise, shall we head down to the caverns?" His turn for a thoughtful pause. "Do you need to return to your weyr first, for a change of clothes?"

The greenrider snorts at the joke, lips curving, and pushes out of bed with the unthinking ease of a young man. Show off. "I, uh..." /Does/ he need to go back to his weyr? "Probably, yeah. Got t' check on Chielyth, too. Should check th' duty roster. Feel like I'm waking up from being sick again." It's a mild complaint only as he looks for scattered clothes for the second time in twenty-four hours. After a bit more a quiet, "Thanks," floats over from his side of the bed.

Show off, but it's a show G'dri enjoys watching. "It is difficult, resettling fully into your own head again," he agrees. Lucky him, while he's got clothing scattered over the floor as well, he can just leave it lie to be tidied up later. "You know," he starts casually as he moves across to his wardrobe to pull out fresh clothes, "there's plenty of room in here if you'd like to keep a few spare things, just in case." When that quiet 'thanks' comes, however, he pauses in the buttoning of his shirt to look over. "There is no need to thank me, Kai. Ever. All I do, is simply what anyone who-- cares for another, would do."

At least it's pretty easy to pick out Kai's: those are the ones in shades of brown and tan and perpetually wrinkled. Sweater halfway over his head he pauses to frown at G'dri, but doesn't answer until he's gotten both head and arms where they're supposed to be. "Stay here, you mean," he says. "Some nights." Not disappear back to his weyr in the middle of the night like usual? "I, um. Got t' think on that."

"Or if you ever get stuck here during inclement weather," G'dri provides a safer alternative interpretation without missing a beat. He's used to the retreats by now, and remains as patient as he's ever been with Kai's particular quirks. He doesn't seek to pursue anything more that's Deep and Serious after all, even peripherally so. Just waits until they're both dressed and ready to go, perhaps making some light observation on the state of B'kaiv's hair -- which is rich coming from he who deliberately cuts his hair to make it look like its in need of a trim. And he'll try to steal a quick kiss before the comfort of privacy is left behind and they're back to being simply, casual friends. As far as the rest of the Weyr is concerned.

!at're, !chielyth, b'kaiv, *postflight

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