Fabulous podfics, awesome love-among-the fishes art, and terrific translations - thank you!

May 04, 2014 14:26

Long past time to publicize these generous and beautiful creations that others have made from a few of my fics, and thank the makers. It is such a delight and honor for me. (I am terribly slow at posting in my own journal because I get coding-phobia sometimes, but I have loved each of these since they were created.)

Podfics! Back in round 3 of H/D LDWS, I wrote 8 drabbles about Magical Items and Artefacts. To my great delight, there are podfics of two of these by Vaysh, and of the complete set (or here on AO3) by sisi_rambles! Thank you so so much for this honor, o lovely and wondrous podficcers! It is so amazing to hear someone else read my work aloud.

My story Beekeeping is set in Malawi, a small country in Africa where Harry is a volunteer teacher and Draco has come to see the spectacular fish of Lake Malawi. Shortly after they run into each other by the lakeside, Harry has a dreamy dream - and here is a lovely illustration of it, with gorgeous fish art and happy naked boys, by kalime80 - I am so happy that she did this! It's called I dreamt of a thousand scales, and it was you, and it's like a scene of an underwater Eden. (Naked boys, like I said, so maybe NSW.)

Finally, I am incredibly grateful to and in awe of phonixfeder, who has now translated all four of my longer fics into German! It's such a pleasure to get the comments from the German readers, and I always learn some new expression - like "kopfkino" (when your imagination starts making mental cinema) or "Holla die Waldfee!" or "He had the Pope in his pocket." Her translations are here:
Funken, die aus dem Schwanz eines Fuchses Kommen (Sparks from the Fox's Tail in German translation)
Das Züchten von Bienen (Beekeeping in German translation)
Abraxan Wings in German translation
Draco Malfoy sehen (Seeing Draco Malfoy in German translation)

Thank each of you so much, it is so encouraging and such a privilege for me. And thank you to everyone who reads, looks or listens!

h/d, my h/d stories, art, podfics, translation

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