Khooking with Call

Jan 22, 2016 20:03

Schicken dough wraps

You take two of these bad boys. Refrigerated section, french loaves. If you want to get wild, take flour, garlic powder/salt, and water and mix them together into a flatbread dough.

Break your loaves into 'biscuit' size pieces. Flatten them out real good. And flat. And stuff.

Go get all the stuff in your kitchen that you don't know what to do with. Get some chicken or pork or beef. Chop it up into pieces. Take some veggies, I have used spinach, onion, garlic, broccoli, bok choy, whatever. Chop them up into pieces too. Take all the liquid stuff* you have and pour it into a bowl or large cup. Take all the solids and set them out on paper plates or in a bowl.

*soy sauce, teriyaki sauce, wine, A-1, worchestershire sauce, vinegar, lemon juice, unicorn blood, etc.

Now take a big flat piece of dough, and stick stuff on it. Until it is full. Then add some liquid and** wrap it up like a wonton. Or an oyster/clam shell. Don't worry about any recipe. They are stupid anyway. Every one of these is going to taste different. That's the idea. Think of them as garbage wontons.

Put oil in tin foil or parchment paper, wrap it up tight. Put tin foil or parchment paper on a cookie sheet. Stick them bad boys on top of that cookie sheet and put it in the oven at about 350 for 45-60 mins. The dough should be brown on the parts that have leaked out of the tin foil, where you fucked up the wrapping, no matter how hard you tried not to, you did. Life sucks, but these are delicious. I recommend chicken spinach and/or bok choy+soy for either a Mediterranean or a more Asian taste.


** Vval says I forgot to add the liquid. *grunt*

rambling, diet and health, on the menu, not an update, cooking, dinner, health and fitness

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