A helpful pain scale

Jan 04, 2016 11:53

0-10 Scale of Pain Severity

10 - Mommy!!!
9 - Fuck these people. If they don't give me drugs I am going to start executing them one by one. This is drug-seeking behavior, bitches. Give me fucking drugs. Right now.
8 - They might be stupid, I better bring it up, but in an off-the-cuff manner so they don't think it's just for the drugs.
7 - I'm going to ask them for drugs, but I'll be careful to let them suggest narcotics.
6 - Fucking hurts like a bitch, bro. Better drop two Ibus into the Tylenol cocktail.
5 - I really need some Vicodin, but I don't want to appear to be engaging in drug seeking behavior.
4 - Ima ask granma if she's got any more of them little white pills.
3 - I'd like something stronger than Tylenol, but I'll take Tylenol to avoid the hassle of an ER trip and appearing to be engaging in drug seeking behavior.
2 - It throbs when I'm sitting still.
1 - My toe hurts.
0 - Nothing hurts. You're a little bitch for even consulting a pain chart. What are you, on here just to make the people who suffer chronic pain feel like shit? What an asshole. Go away, jerk.


joy pill, whimsy caprice and humor, internet stuff, humor and randomness, help, american politics, me, communication, social studies, randomness and humor, human rights, health and fitness, zero tolerance, psychology, diet and health, helpful guide, random humor news, sad making, consciousness

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