
Oct 30, 2014 23:55

So there's this new movie coming out. That's a continuation of a series. Which I previously reviewed. I think I called it 'The Dress Games'. I'm not 100% sure. But anyway. In the new preview for the new one...SHE SHOOTS DOWN A FLIPPING FLYING MACHINE. WITH A BOW AND ARROW.. And I'm thinking to myself, like trying to help the suspension of disbelief, 'maybe they've got an explosive on the arrow'. Then? I realized how absolutely fucking stupid that was. It's almost impossible to shoot down anything other than an unarmed news helicopter with anything smaller than a machine gun. Mostly because you can't hit it. And, you know, bows are neither melee weapons, nor anti-aircraft weapons. Surprisingly, apparently, (in Hollywood at least.) I'm just saying...when you've so completely thrown all plausibility out the window, why not just have her pick up a semitrailer and bitch slap it? Or just have one drive out of the clouds and take it out. Maybe they could have a giant metal robot or a Kaiju slap it out of the air? It's at least as realistic as being able to destroy multi-million dollar military attack aircraft, possessing technology superior to ours in the 2010s, with a freaking hobbyist plastic-ass Walmart(of the future) rubberband strapped to a stick. (That's not how bows work, that's the exact opposite, more like a slingshot. That's why the archer doesn't get shot like Wil E. Coyote does when the bow is fired. But who knows, her bow probably does that too. And turns into a VW BeetleCHEVY™.)


media, writings, randomness and humor, wtf, writing, movie, random humor news, randomness

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