Random cool shit lately

Jun 23, 2014 19:14

I have an update coming, just haven't had time to write it. Because working 12 hour days, 6 days a week. #livingthedream

WWII Japanese war criminals

You're just not seeing it, because you have a blind spot.Now that bash.org isn't updated any more, my newest crack-source is http://www.xkcdb.com/Read more... )

cool website of the day, blah, wikipedia, history, randomness

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khall June 24 2014, 22:42:08 UTC
Naw, never seemed like an interesting movie. WWII bores the crap out of me. I mostly avoid media about it. This was a rare fluke, because I was reading about tragedies in history and it came up. (The Japanese war criminals.)

You probably never heard about the Japanese, because we pardoned all of them. Unlike the Germans, who we only pardoned most of them. As far as I'm concerned, Germany might have been fucked up in WWII, but the US surpassed them by 100 times when they pardoned and excused and appropriated all the "research" done on those poor people.



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khall June 25 2014, 12:54:14 UTC
Eh, the US slaughtered tons of people (In The Philippines, and other places.) Stalin killed people more than Hitler. You know the second most largest population group the Nazi's executed, after Jewish people? Jehovah's Witnesses. You don't hear anybody mentioning that either.:P



khall June 25 2014, 12:59:31 UTC
As far as Ralph? That was pretty common in both World Wars. Originally, in WWII, the Japanese simply executed anyone stupid enough to surrender to them. After some fun few hours of torture. It wasn't just him. Bataan Death March, etc, etc.



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