Gun in Schools

Aug 02, 2013 01:05

grail76 was talking in his journal about arming teachers in schools. And one of the things that no one is talking about is this:

A simple search will turn up information that shows a direct correlation between gun ownership and higher suicide rates.,or.r_cp.r_qf.&fp=1a944027383771ba&q=suicide+rates+of+gun+owners&safe=off

So what happens when one of these 'officers' decides he's had enough and blows his head off in his office one day? Not to mention the case(s?) where people have already shot themselves.

Rape (or any kind of violence) is a human problem, not a gender one.

Which is not to say that violence against women (by men) is a myth or not a problem that needs to be dealt with. I've kind of avoided this case, but...this is a really good article/primer on domestic violence. I wish I could start a free/charity service to provide security/bodyguards for those women getting out of an abusive relationship; far too many of them are injured, killed, or merely live in fear and that's horrible.

I just think, and have always thought, that 'fixing' 'men being violent against women' is like...fixing sneezing or post nasal drip, for curing the common cold. It's not the root of the problem. The root of the problem lies in power-imbalance politics. Which, in this current society, tends to favor men. However 'fixing' that, just shifts the same problem to a new group, whether that's men or animals or whatever. Any proper analysis needs to disregard sexist/gender-based studies of the problem and find and deal with the commonalities. And then find out how to undo them.

It's like the widely-held (sexist) belief that women don't like sex. And then they report that men have an average of 7 partners in their life and women have 4. Do that math. Take 50 people 24-25 men and 25-26 women. And then try to figure out how to make half of them sleep with 15 people who aren't there. Either women are lying, because society encourages them to be 'virtuous' (no virtuous person ever had fun, ever.) Or 2 women are sleeping with 27 men each. Which still establishes that a wide variety of levels of sex drive is present across all genders.

And we can look forward to it increasing:

Children with drug problems:

Cool new theories about Jack The Ripper.

Neat article

Bigger boobs == more happy!

It's all about the penis:

The article title says more than I could. WTF.

For MusicMan:

Alternatively, all the world's problems could be solved if people just felt as much job satisfaction as these people definitely, honestly, do.


news, social studies, wtf, random humor news, sad making, randomness, humor

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