Jun 01, 2012 17:49
I have had a crush on you, since I first saw your profile pic. Your elfin good looks and blue long hair made you seem fun and interesting. You have a lovely figure and are witty and amusing. Even though you were an ardent proponent of TNG, this dirty old man had wild, if unspecified or fully thought out, fantasies of laying hands upon your nubile and gorgeous body in vile and despicable ways. I wanted to do things to you that only happen in internet text porn.
Then you came out. I applaud people who come out. I know it must be hard. To keep something so dark and life-affecting a secret, buried so deep. So that no one else knows. While the lens of it shapes every moment of your day, every day. I really support you for coming out. It's just...when you came out as conservative and joined the group called Ron Paulitics? You snuffed out my crush like...when the halon fire extinguishers suck all the oxygen out of the room and kill everything in it, man, beast, plant, or fire.
I could, if I were more shallow, still fantasize about your body, because it's still beautiful. But that would require a level of de-personalization I'm not comfortable inflicting on a woman. I usually find every woman attractive, in some way. There's nothing, ordinarily, a woman could do to turn me off. She could have sex with dogs, (or jaguars, even) and it wouldn't make her 'unclean'. She could have multiple orgies with strangers and assuming safety parameters, I'd happily go down on her.
The stench of small-mindedness and slime of hate and discrimination? Has successfully extinguished any and all desire (or ability) to regard you as a potential sexual partner. Even in fantasy. Thank you for taking one more thing off of my relatively busy mind.
whimsy caprice and humor,
internet stuff,
humor and randomness,
american politics,
life stuff,
social studies,
randomness and humor,
helpful guide,
thank you,
humor randomness