From the "how the fuck does /that/ happen?" file...

Apr 14, 2012 04:43

I need more detail. Is she an orphan whose father left them when she was too young to remember him? Do we need to take up a collection to get her glasses? Does her dad look just like everybody else? Maybe her dad is like Canadian, and they all look alike to her, and she can't tell them apart? The "funnest" time she's had at the pool is when she went up to the pool boy and asked him for money for sex? I mean, we need to know. Maybe there are wild orgies at this pool. Then, I could see how it'd be less than a blast. But if it's like, a dedicated training pool for a synchronized swim team, well then I might have to argue that it sounds a lot "funnest-er" to me.


wtf-google, pictures, whimsy caprice and humor, internet stuff, randomness and humor, wtf

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