I think the only reason no one has brought up him posting videos of his drug use is out of politeness and decency. Ironical or not?
Then, finally? Something happy!
Why flying robots learned to play the 007 theme... It involves them taking over the world and becoming our overlords. Probably in 2012, I'm thinking...(Watch the video on the page, it is pretty amazing.)
suzmonster and I made a gingerbread house for Valentimes Day. Now it has been mostly eaten, but I have a whole sequence of us putting it together, etc. Just I lost my stupid android USB charger cord and so I'm using a Blackberry headset charger to charge my phone. Which means I have to either get lazy enough to connect the phone to wi-fi, bluetooth 20-ish pictures across to the laptop, or more ideally, get a new cord. See? This was almost like an update about real life stuff. For those of you who keep track.:)