Some other stuff...

Feb 02, 2012 11:53

       Lithe and quick, silver like the moon, she draped upon a bench. "Golden sir, why do you fire? For you burn so bright it must die." The prince, gold of hair, of skin, a hand and a half over a fathom in height. "Life is fire, mercury shine. Every moment is an ecstasy, burning like nectar-broth, drowning your lungs. Drinking flame and eating flowers, all moments must be eked for beauty, and all beauty must be consumed. With passion."

She turned a fetching profile, perchance to distance from his heat. "If the pyre burns all that it sees, willn't there be naught left to see, verily, Sun-sir?" And thereupon, he smiled, golden and good and gentle. While the wildfire licked from his tongue and dripped from his words, he took her hands and replied, "The touch of your skin, the fall of your robe, its ripple in the light, the exquisite perfection of your feminine footprints in the sand. The way the wind dances with the grass, the way it feeds the earth with rain, and destroys the fisherman with a storm. The surging glory of that moment, where the mouse escapes the hawk. And the final tragedy of when it does not."

Kissing the back of her small silver fist, he continued, "The rise of the sun, and the fact that it will rise tomorrow. That you smile at me, as though I were a silly boy. That your pulse beats in your wrist, so that I want to feast upon it with my lips. There are a thousand, thousand things, hidden in horror, in the mundane, in the banal, moments to let no one take from us. A feast for the fire, enough, granted good luck, to have some left over for a bridge." Like a wicked jester he grinned, and then again as her lips bowed in consideration. "A bridge, Helios? And what then, lies at the other side? Some secret hideaway?"

He dropped her hands and with a backward step and a low bow proclaimed, "Nay, tis a risk still, but maybe peace, my lady."


whimsy caprice and humor, writings, life, writing, magic, personal insight, philosophy, religion, rambling, stories

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