She lost her Nintendo because of the narc...

Oct 17, 2011 23:01

       Pre-tween driver pulled over by cops...for driving well. I bet her dad was all, "If you get me home without me getting a DUI, we'll go to Toys R Us tomorrow morning (about noonish) and get you a new Nintendo." I think the moral of the story is, narcs suck.:/ Wtf, she was 9 and used her blinker. I know 59 year olds who don't do that.

PS, I am having fish and chips tonight. Which is code for garlic and butter breaded fish portions and tator tots. And on the tator tot package? It says, 'A cholesterol free food choice'. Did you know that crack cocaine is also low-cholesterol and low-sodium (why don't the cool people call that lo-so, wouldn't that be cool)? Pretty sure heroin is too. Just saying. There might be an element of misleading propaganda involved here....


diet and health, news, humor and randomness, wtf, lo-so, tator tots

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