Nov 25, 2012 21:16
I didn't do a Yuletide letter to my author, is it too late??? Is it okay to say, I'm cool with whatever or is that a big mistake? It's such a difficult row to hoe, the difference between too much direction and too little. I want to inspire, not micro-manage. What to dooooo?
Just got back from Turkey, just in time for Thanksgiving. Ironic? Istanbul has changed so much in the...shit, 16 years since I was there. I want to move there at once, I am that keen.
Also just paused in a story I am writing EXACTLY on 33,333 words. Keep staring at the word count, kind of loathe to move from it....despite the fact I feel this story might only be 'done' at 44,444 words...or maybe 55,555. Le sigh.