Thanks so much everyone (particularly
nomelon and
slavelabour for the Valentine wishes. Smooches to all of y’all!
Dudes, it’s a drive-by as per usual. I have lived another lifetime in the past six weeks. Every week on a plane, it seems…after you cross enough time zones, it actually starts to feel kind of like time-travel. My perception of time has this tendency to telescope, so it’s like I wake up suddenly and think…surely I can’t have posted….two and a half months ago? Two and a half months can feel simultaneously like a protracted afternoon and forty years wandering the desert.
So I’m in an airport lounge, waiting for my flight to be called as I move myself and the last remainder of my life to Abu Dhabi. Yeah, not kidding. If you haven’t heard from me, that’s what I’ve been doing. It’s for my boy’s work. Yeah, it’s good work. Don’t worry about me, please. No panicked ranting about the straits of Hormuz, please.
So have some recs, while you ponder my life choices. I usually never do recs lists, but it occurred to me that I was emailing these links around a lot to a lot of people, so why not just make this a one-stop shop?
These are XMFC Charles/Erik and I’m very predictable about what I like. Hot sex and good grammar & spelling, it’s my bulletproof kink:
lay down beside me (so still and so soft) OK, my insta-rec for this one just read: a lot of blowjobs and yet I’m never bored. That’s the mark of a talented writer, right there. There is A LOT of sex and it is all very…sexy. I know what you kids like. Rawr.
High and dangerous Or…the one where they play soccer for Arsenal. This is the football team under whose shadow I lived…as in I could hear all the cheering come game days. I feel like
fourfreedoms wrote this fic just for me, so I’m kind of leery about sharing it. It’s miiiiiiiiine, bitches! She gets all the details JUST RIGHT and she writes action (all kinds) just beautifully. If you don’t have an intimate knowledge of European soccer players, just keep a Google images page open and insert the names. It will make your head happy, I promise.
Mehrdeutiges LaechelnOK, Mehrdeutiges Laecheln is one of those fics that are so sharp and spare that they read almost like poetry. I looooooove it. It’s all the things I love.
They get all the happy endings I don’t Sexual tension. It’s far and away the best thing about high school AUs. I had a lot of sex in high school so I feel that it’s good for me to be experiencing the sexual tension secondhand like this.
Wages This may be the most enjoyable thing I have read for…well, at least the last quarter of 2011 ( I read A LOT in 2011). It is just delicious, my favorite kind of AU. Sexy, tender, pitch perfect in style. If this story was a person, I’d have kissed it all over its face. Or maybe have it locked in my basement, one. I’m a bad and mercurial girl.
Check out this link on quarter_mile! Hah, it’s quite cool. I would never have expected that those songs would work so well.
01cheers exercises some serious vidding talent here. I confess, I’m particularly partial to the one inspired by my ‘Trouble’ series…that’s unsurprising, isn’t it? Man, I love my fandom.
Speaking of fannish love, I am ¾ done with the sequel to my XMFC Viking AU and halfway done with a very angsty tFandtF story that…doesn’t exactly have a pairing? Yeah? I can do that? Why not?