If this is wrong, I don't wanna be right

May 27, 2011 23:39

OK, had date night with the man in my life. Forgot how saucy he gets after cocktails. Long story short, he's back at work, and I...for the first time in four years, am smoking a cigarette like a bad girl on the lower balcony. Why a cigarette, you may ask? Because apparently nowadays I do whatever the hell I want twenty-four hours a day. Seriously people. I am a MONSTER.

Fandom has done this to me. I blame fandom, I do. I am mainlining so much freaking pure awesome in three fandoms that basically if things are not AWESOME, I am like pffffffft. Screw you, reality! I shall go read and the awesome shall return.

And it's just not healthy. There is duty. There are responsibilities.

OK, but while I'm being bad, can I just share...surely I can't be the only one to want a Fast Five vid with Dom, Brian and Hobbs to the tune of 'Dontcha' by the Pussycat Dolls? Am I wrong? Am I a sicko?

I mean, talitha78 has already done the iconic rendering for Smallville, but surely this is do-able, right??

Here, proof that my man is very comfortable with his sexuality...he drank this with aplomb.


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