May 18, 2009 04:06 kinda sucks.
I mean, yeah, it's nice to see my family and kitties and puppy, but c'mon! I knew things weren't going to go that smoothly when my grandparents came over yesterday, but I can't believe grandpa made mom cry. What the hell people?
Basically, grandpa is of the opinion that homosexuality is a sin. Upon hearing this, I said that he must think I'm a real big sinner then. Mom defended grandpa, then went with grandma to pick up flowers. Meanwhile, grandpa headed downstairs and proceeded to tell my dad that I'm, "acting fruity. That school is making her crazy."
When the grandparents left, dad told me and mom what grandpa had said, stating, "What gives him the right to speak to me that way about my daughter?" The mom started crying because she thought dad was being mean by telling me when grandpa said. Apparently she didn't want him to hurt my feelings. Honestly, I'd rather know the truth, but I digress. I spent the next 20 minutes comforting my mom for the first time in my adult life, which made me feel extremely weird.
After all the craziness, I sat down with Lance to play Guitar Hero: Aerosmith (Thank you, Lauren.). I had a thought, and asked Lance, "Hey, do you care that I'm gay?"
Despite my brother being a raging dork, I love him. He was the first one to know in the first place. He read my journal something like 2 years before I actually came out.
Anyway, when I'm not working, I'm sitting at home wishing I was working. Give me hours dammit! I need money. :(
I'm also getting over a nasty cold a picked up a few days ago. I don't like it and want it to stop. I don't want to get swine flu!