Mar 27, 2009 08:44
I had kind of given up on the acting thing after being analy abused by my captors agent. But the 2 people who were screwing things up at the agency were fired. (one of them did not bill a job i did in October till the end of december, which meens i have to wait 120 days from bill date for payment.) but after venting my spllen at the guy who owns the agency and at least getting some of the money i was owed I decided to give it another go.
Since then I have had one audition for a TV series where i will be the avuncular Host. It is an intersting project for the LDS church (good Bye Beard) where we follow people as they travel around the country following thier geneology, and the places it happened with me asking them salient questions such as "So your Great great great grandfather was hung here as a sheep buggerer how does that make you feel.?"
And i have been put in for parts for 2 natioinal comercials, one for Pacificorp Power which is in the process of buying something in the mid west and east coast, and one for a health insurance company. So all in all it is looking up, we will see what happens. but hopefully things are getting better.