Dell: So the Drama!

Jan 07, 2009 14:32

I've made four phone calls to Dell and two to Best Buy in the apst 24 hours in an effort to try to fix Jules's laptop. The wireless modem isn't working properly, and Best Buy says they need to reinstall Windows, so the past day has been spent speaking to (mostly on hold with) Dell, trying to get the right backup software. Here's a brief synopsis

Tuesday lunch: Sat on hold with Dell for fifteen minutes to request a new copy of Wndows. Dell says they need my laptops "service tag". Hang up, call Best Buy for tag ID on laptop. Call Dell back, wait on hold for fifteen more minutes, get transferred to another department, wait on hold for ten more minutes, hung up because lunch break was over

Tuesday evening: Sat on hold for 15 minutes. Realized I left the service tag ID at the office. Dell tried to find the right software, but couldn't, had to call back

Wednesday morning: Called Dell with service ID number, was transferred over to business services since my dad bought the laptop through his company. Couldn't verify the name of the third party vendor Dad bought the laptop through. Put Dell on hold, called Dad. Dad said he would look and call me back. Had to start my shift

Wednesday afternoon: Sat on hold for twenty minutes with Dell Business Services. Was able to verify thrid party vendor. Placed order for software. Was put on hold ten more minutes so the Dell rep could restart his computer before he processed my order. Cost me $50. Called Best Buy back to verify we were on the level.

Granted, all of this was not Dell's fault, but I was sorely put off by the 90+ miuntes I sat on hold over four phone calls. Their computers are great, but their customer service blows!

I'm winding down to the end of both my Cactus League Pro Basketball season and my APBA hockey card season, which means I need to pick something new as an excuse of why I can't have sex with my wife. This is the one part of year I kind of always dread because it's a sports doldrum. Football is winding down, so I don't want to start a new season there. I'm kind of burned out on basketball, and baseball won't be up and running for another month.
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