I was stuck home all day yesterday fighting off the remnants of a sinus infection, watching my second favorite daytime TV show, the People's Court (Maury being the first), when they had one gentleman on who was a convicvted sex offender. What really got my goat was how he has got this label. Seventeen years ago, when he was seventeen, he had sex
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As for your rant about the lactation room, I think it's totally inappropriate that you use it as your private hangout. Do you wonder why other people aren't in there utilizing the comfy chair? It's because they know it's for lactating women. And not to get crude or anything, but what if your office had a j/o room for men but some lady always used it to take her breaks in? Do you think a guy would knock on the door and say, "Excuse me, can you please leave, I need to whack it for a minute."
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