Sep 11, 2004 17:23
Full name:Jordan Matthew Gibson
Nicknames: High School Friends: Jo, Jojo, Jo-bob, Mojojojo, Satan. Gaming Group: Minion, Belial. College: heheh...I get called 'Cory' a lot, does that count?
Birthdate: 30 June, 1984
So that means you're how old?: 20
Zodiac sign: Greek: Cancer, Chinese: Rat, Egyptian: Anubis
Height: 5 feet 11 inches
Eye color: dark, dark brown
Hair color: see above
Righty or lefty: righty. But I write with a crook-ed hand, like a lefty. Which puts me in a group of, like, 1 percent of the population, and indicates something about my brain, but I can't remember what.
Pets: Psychotic Death Beast (Cat) named Grizzy, Dog named Chloe
Numbers: 42
TV station: Cartoon Network, Sci Fi (For SG-1), TNT (For Angel), FX (For Buffy)
Person to talk to online?: Christina
Person to talk to on the phone?: HATE the phone
Food: Asian. Thai, Chinese, Japanese, Indian, whatever.
Drink: lately? Rasberry Crystal Light
Alcoholic drink: Kahlua. OMIGOD Kahlua
Flower: Irises
Smell/Scent: My sense of smell is kindof...not good. So I don't smell much. Umm...Baked Goods, I guess?
Actor: Samuel L Jackson, Edward Norton, Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt, Morgan Freeman, Robin Williams
Actress: Natalie Portman, Christina Ricci, Thora Birch, Helena Bonham Carter
Hangout: the couch
Summer vacation: Haven't had one in a while
First crush: oh, fucked if I know
First kiss: Audrey, during a game of Truth or Dare in middle school.
Single or attached?: Quite happily attached
Ever been in love?: Hell yes.
Do you believe in love at first sight?: I believe in interest at first sight
Do you believe in "the one?": No
Describe your ideal significant other: I'd just end up describing my girlfriend. YOu've all met her.
Sweetest thing that special someone has ever done for you: Hee hee. Too many to count
Wuss: I prefer to think not. I'm not tested often.
Druggy: Tried a few times, but I'm by no means an addict, or even a regular user.
Daydreamer: Yes. In most cases, I can find something more entertaining to think about than what's going on now. Most cases.
Freak: Indeed
Dork: Oh hell yes. I play D&D, read fantasy novels, watch Sci-Fi TV shows, play video games. I'm a huge dork. And I still manage to have a social life
Bitch/Asshole: i don't think i am
Brat: Compared to others I know...not at all
Sarcastic: NOOOOO, Never.
Goody-goody: More often than most would think
Angel: Not as such.
Devil: Well, I do work for them.
Horny: How can you be "a horny"? Grammatical retards. And I am often horny, yes. But not right now.
Shy: At first. I tend to take a long time to observe people around me when I'm in an unfamiliar environment, then I open my mouth
Talkative: when I'm with people I know, yes, very much so
Adventurous: sometimes
Joker: Oh yes.
Flirty: I wouldn't know
Rubber: Prophylactics
Rock: on
Green: druids. curse you, D&D
Wet: Seattle
Cry: "No time to..."
Peanut: bagel
Hay: horses
Hot: stuff
Cold: blood
Steamy: anthony's car before he fixed the air conditioner
Fast: for some reason, I'm drawing a blank
Freaky: shit
Stick shift: guh
Rain: Natives
Bite: my shiny metal ass
Suck: newton
Blow: fly
Hard: time
Extra Long: weasels
Limp: handshake
Needle: heroine
Oral: Sex. Are you fuckers happy now?
Honey: barbecue
High heels: Egypt
Fetish: Kokopelli
Seal: "Ptew, Ptew...this isn't seal...this is surfer...How is that fair?"
M.D.: I didn't attend 4 years of evil medical school to be called 'mister'
Pakistan: Morons. Same as the israelites. (Edit: Wow. So I just looked back at this today, and realized that I somehow read 'pakistan' as 'palestine'. I am not with the smart.)
Elevator: Strangely, sex again. Think student center (Edit: Note that this is not to imply that *I* have had sex in the student center elevator. I rather meant to allude to the fact that LOTS OF OTHER PEOPLE have)
Red: Rasberry
Last person you talked to on the phone: Mom
Last thing you ate: a slice of reheated pepperoni pizza. Except I didn't feel like pepperoni, so I picked them off
What's the weather like?: dark, with scattered sunlight toward morning
What's right next to you?: a bunch of tissues (sinus infection) on a windowsill
How do you eat an Oreo?: Take the top off of it without disturbing the cream. Eat the top. Set it aside. Repeat this procedure on another oreo. Put the two together to form a massive mega-oreo. Devour. Works even better with Double-Stuf.
Contacts or glasses?: uh-huh
Do you like to dance?: I was in modern dance class for three years. Got some pretty awesome marks in it. And I'm STILL not entirely comfortable dancing
Shy to make the first move?: yes and no
what are you wearing right now?: Blue boxers, black heart t-shirt
Current mood: sleepy
current music: "Nemesis", by Shriekback. "Priests and Cannibals......"
current taste: my mouth
current hair: unbrushed and silly
current dress: bed time
current annoyance: pop-up windows
current smell: none
current game: KOTOR
current thing I ought to be doing: SLEEP
current windows open: WinMX
current desktop picture: A really awesome Boris Vallejo print of a fallen angel, covered in circuitry and cables
current favorite group: MSI
current book: HP Lovecraft "Bloodcurdling tales of Horror and The Macabre"
current cds in stereo: I have a stereo?
current color of toenails: flesh
current worry: none
Smiled?: probably
Laughed?: yes
Cried?: no
Bought something?: yes
Danced?: no
Were sarcastic?: NO! NEVER!
Talked to an ex?: hahahah. Not in the last six months
Watched your favorite movie?: no
Last movie you saw: Anchorman
Last song you heard: "Capt Jean-Luc Picard", Techno Mix
Last thing you had to drink: Rasberry tea
Last time you showered: morning
Last thing you ate: didn't we cover this? pizza.
DO I ...--
Smoke?: not regularly, and not tobacco. Cloves.
Do drugs?: not regularly AT ALL
Have sex?: yes. Once every six months or so, for a week straight
Sleep with stuffed animals?: no
Live for the moment?: I try to avoid incredibly trite concepts like that when at all possible
Have a dream that keeps coming back?: not that I know of
Play an instrument?: no
Believe there is life on other planets?: why would I believe something like that? There's not a lot of evidence for or against. We shall wait and see.
Remember your first love?: interesting question...
Still love him/her?: probably not.
Read the newspaper?: not lately
Have any gay or lesbian friends?: both
Believe in miracles?: depends on your definition
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: we shall see, shan't we?
Consider yourself tolerant of others?: I believe I could be more tolerant towards stupidity. After all, in some cases, the person can't help it, so I should calm down. On all other fronts, yes, I am.
Consider love a mistake?: never
Like the taste of alcohol?: mmm...kahlua...rum...::Drool::
Have a favorite candy?: yes. yes yes I do.
Believe in astrology?: I'm open to the possibility
Believe in magic?: see above
Believe in god?: see above
Go to church?: Not since ninth grade. I found the entire process distasteful on their part, and dishonest on mine.
Have any pets: see above
Do well in school?: I'm working on turning that around
Go to or plan to go to college?: there now
Wear hats?: My Top Hat.
Have any piercings?: maybe one day
Have any tattoos?: maybe one day
Hate yourself?: well wouldn't that be self-indulgent
Have an obsession?: everal
Have a secret crush?: Does anyone ever say yes to this question?
Collect anything?: Like James, I'm a pack rat
Have a best friend?: Hahah. I have a loose hierarchy in my mind
Wish on stars?: No. I just look at them. They make me smile
Like your handwriting?: hahahah. When it comes to things like writing, I'm functionally retarded.
Have any bad habits?: Eh. I'll get around to thinking of some. Later.
Care about looks?: doesn't everyone? They're just not the prime deciding factor.