Do you know how to kill a zombie?

Jan 24, 2009 21:33

1. Are you taller than your mom? Yup.
2. What color is your shower curtain? White with green and blue fishies
3. What is the closest thing to you right now that is red? My glasses.
4. What is your ring tone? I don't know, really. It's muted. Just vibrates.
5. Does anything hurt on your body right now? on who?
6. What color is your favorite pillow? white (IKEA: Magda :love:)
7. What is your favorite video game? Monkey Island 1-3.
8. Had a nap today? While we were driving from Bonn to my house I chilled out...guess you'd call it a nap 
9. Gold or silver? Silver!
10. Is there an animal that creeps you out? Mosquitos of all sorts. Unexpected, FAST running spiders O_o
11. Who was the last person you rode an elevator with? My mom.
12. Did you go ice skating as a kid? 2 times. Yay.
13. Ever have stitches? No.
14. Favorite non-alcoholic drink? Starbuck's: White Coffee Moccha (triple shot) HRRRRRRRRRRR.....Black Tea with sugar and milk.
15. How long ago did you hug someone? One day
16. What's something you want to do before you die? Just make my peace with the world. Be happy. Be really happy. I'd like to see the northern lights.
17. Have you ever caught something on fire? My hair, hehe. Stupid story.
18. Have you ever seen a ghost? Yeah, all the time...
19. Have you ever seen northern lights? I will.
20. Do you know how to use chop sticks? Yup. And I love it. You can misuse them for so much.
21. Name something good that happened today. I had a damn good day :-) Woke up with two great friends, had a good breakfast, had a long drive, still happy because of the concert I watched last night (Blue October! Aaaah!), got a bath, ate pancakes, cuddled with my cats...quite nice.
22. What room are you in? In my old room at my parents' house.
23. Are you worried about something you can't control? Hmm. Not really.
24. Do you take daily medications? Yes
25. Ever been in a fight? Yes
26. Are you wearing nail polish? Not at all.
27. What time is it? 21:55
28. Innie or outie?  Emotional? An innie pretending to be an outie ^^
29. Ever used a Ouija board? A what?
30. Sweet or Sour? Sweet
31. Sun or Moon? Moon
32. Mint or Gum? Mint
33. Strawberry or Blueberry? Fresh Blueberry in Muffins or the best dessert of the world: Blaubeer-Schmackofatz. Strawberry with curd, honey and syrup....noooommmmy...
34. American Idol or The Bachelor? N/A
35. Cookies or Chips? Cookies! Moar. Cookies. And milk. Where is it?
36. Time of day you were born? around 17:00
37. Do you know your blood type? A positive
38. Do you know how to kill a zombie? Eat em while they're still warm.
39. Have you donated blood? Yes, and I love the feeling of my life leaving my body *oh-so-gothic grin*...really. It's intense.
40. What would you spend 5,000 dollars on right now if you were handed it? Won't tell.
41. Name something annoying in public transit.? Ringtones. Noisy teenagers. People caughing, sneezing, snorting all the time etc.
42. Which animal(s) remind you of yourself? Spuk and Kobold.
43. Whats your background on your pc? The Ninja Turtles.
44. Did you grow up in the city or country? City
45. Would you ever consider going on a reality tv show if offered a large sum of money? I never considered it, but I consider to say yes.
46. Have you flown in your dreams? Yes..
47. What's one thing you're really good at cooking? Scrambled Eggs, pancakes, almost everything you make in a frying pan
48. Kisses or hugs? A combination of both would be my favorite ;-) 
49. You have 10 dollars to spend in the dollar store..what do you get? Leave the Dollar store. Walk over to Starbucks. Get a Coffee.
50. Slurpee flavor? Never had one.

spam, meme

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