damn fb doesn't let me tag as many as i want. so i decided to republish this here JUST for you wonderfulawesomegoodlooking folk!
Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.l
(To do this, go to "notes" under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.)
FORWARD/WARNING: this is a little/a lot more revealing than most 25 things have been ... prepare to laugh, cry, and/or wish you were me ...
1. i know i've mentioned here and there that i would really love to be famous one day, and while i wouldn't say no to fame, the truth is, i'd be just as content to live a quiet, happy life with taqwa (consciousness of God for lack of a better translation), a loving family and some dear friends (ie. you folk). and rock band (the video game) wouldn't be so bad either ...
2. i have a huge problem/difficulty w/ saying the "l word." and no, i do not mean "lesbian." i actually have no problem saying lesbian, but that's another story. i mean the word "love." it kills me that i haven't said "i love you" to my folks or my sisters in a long time.
so since my sisters are tagged here, i have a message. (takes deep breath), Mariam and Amira, I LOVE YOU very much! i hope you guys forgive me for being a WAAAAAAAY less than perfect sister, insha'Allah i'll work on it. (Imran and Salman, i love yall quite a bit too, but you guys are just sick of me saying that so much).
3. SHAYTAN NEEDS TO BACK THE HELL OFF!!! (ok so that's not exactly a fact about me but it needed to be said).
4. i know that there's a khadija-hating force somewhere in me that works to sabotage my life. this force is relentlessly working to keep me unemployed, unsuccessful and unhappy. i guess the trick is to just keep reminding myself that it's a khadija-hating force and to do everything i can to put this force in its place!!!
5. i have A LOT of love for the universe. i mean, it's insane. i love humanity, i love plant life, i love the future kids of mine i do not even have yet (insha'Allah i do get them one day), i love the planets and stars, i even love this guy
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fU3qT05Q-is (even though he scares the crap outta me). i just hafta figure out a way to channel all this love in a constructive way. this is why i really love that quote from che quevara that says "the true revolutionary is guided by feelings of intense love."
6. consequently, i have a lot of anger toward anything standing in the way of humanity and life. ie. weapons of mass destruction, weapons of a little destruction, capitalism that's allowed to run free w/ out a check on it, the previous administration of this country, the IMF, the World Bank, ... (i could go on ... )
7. on a more personal note, i have A LOT of love for each of you that i've tagged. a LOT. i mean, i know some of yall are thinking, "well sh!t, homegirl barely even sends me a note saying "hello, what's going on," and i barely even know what she's doing now and i didn't even know she knew of my existence, much less thinks about me (no really, some of you i never even talk to)," but TRUST, you're here for a reason and i hope we're friends for a long time to come insha'Allah (God willing). more and more recently, i've been learning that alhamdulillah (all praise to Allah) i'm really blessed to know all of you.
8. some of you may have picked up on this before and others may be really surprised to learn of this, but i actually have a pretty low self esteem. don't worry, i'm working on this and some wonderful people are helping me in this area. important thing to remember is, alhamdulillah i'm very very blessed and i have no reason to have a low self esteem.
9. i have a love affair with cloth napkins and tupperware. i mean really (regarding the cloth napkins)- they are classier, more environmental, and will save you money!! it's a win-win-win situation!!! i mean, it kills me how disposable/wasteful our society has become! and the thing about this that makes it kinda difficult to overcome is not so much that people want to be wasteful, it's just that the mindset is such that unfortunately we don't think of how it COULD be. all it takes is a little thinking and creativity!
10. i have accidentally blurted out "I WANNA MARRY ALICIA KEYS!!" in an actual conversation. yeah ...
11. i really REALLY wish i was fluent in at least one other language. i mean i barely even care what language it is anymore, as long as it is an actual language spoken today or at some point in history somewhere in the world.
12. my future engagement ring and wedding band must contain only conflict-free diamonds.
13. i fully believe ANY problem can be solved with a sincere prayer to God (regardless of what faith you are), it's just a matter of having pure intentions.
14. i had three liver transplants when i was four years old. alhamdulillah, i'm grateful to be alive.
15. i am a proud INFP. don't know what that is? you know i got your back ;-) -->
http://www.personalitypage.com/INFP.html 16. i really wish to have that rare quality of being an astoundingly charismatic and engaging speech-giver, i mean on the level of MLK and others. as cheesy as it sounds, i wanna be able to move ppl to greatness.
17. this is interesting, but i can be astoundingly funny with some people, and really boring with others. i love you all nonetheless, it's just that my personality plays off of different personalities in different ways.
18. i am very much an intrinsically motivated person. i mean, the entire world could be telling me to do something and i can even believe that it is a good thing for me, but unless i am truly motivated, i wouldn't budge a centimeter. this reality about me is the bane of my existence. (i think my siblings are most aware of this problem of mine ... ).
19. i absolutely loooooooooove being told that i'm intelligent and/or a deep thinker.
20. i sincerely wish ppl would stop telling me to apply to get a position in the federal gov't now that obama's in the white house. i know me and i know that would very much dislike a job in the government. i know there are those in the government who are sincerely working toward moving it in the right direction but as for me, i know i have to wholeheartedly believe in whatever i'm working for or the whole thing will be an exercise in failure for me.
21. ppl used to (and oftentimes with good intentions) be like "what, you think you're Black?" just because i have an interest in African American studies and Black history. i never felt i had the response that completely satisfied them and of course now that i do, ppl no longer say that. what is that response, you ask? oh, well i shall gladly tell you! i would say "what, i cannot appreciate this rich history of intellectualism and struggle with humanity and the world because it's not the race that i am a part of (race of course, being a a completely artificial and man-made concept)?"
22. celebrity life and entertainment news is causing a lot of ppl to hate themselves anad their lives, if only a little. and i hate that so many females have image problems, so to combat this, i have def hit on some girls before ... (i just pray it only made them feel good about themselves and not creeped out by me).
23. i have my periods of hiding away from the world, avoiding phone calls, not responding to emails. if you've experienced this from me, i'm REALLY, REALLY sorry! good news is, i don't do this as much as i used to.
24. i had this AMAZING dream within the past month that's all colorful, fantastical-like (think of charlie and the chocolate factory) that wouldn't make a whole lot of sense on the outset, but has as its mission the lesson that we are all different (personality-wise, not "racial" category-wise) and that the world needs each of us in order to function. i firmly believe that this dream of mine should be made into a movie (unfortunately, not everyone agrees w/ me here).
25. i have more friends than i know how to cultivate meaningful relationships w/.
AFTERWARD: i know there are DEF gonna be some who will be upset at me about a few of these things. and to be quite honest, i could care less (and NO i don't say this in that "i got fightin words for you" kind of way, just being honest;also conflicts for the sake of stroking one's own ego are overrated).and yes, i am well aware that this could also possibly have some of you liking/loving me more. i mean, this thing is just an excuse for me to ramble about myself, so i'm just happy to have that! for the record- I'M NOT AGAINST THAT! ALSO, if you're reading this and you're like "wow i didn't even tag her in mine!" the truth is i'm actually not offended AT ALL. really, i promise! and YES, the forward and afterward were shameless ways for me to give myself more space to ramble ... i also clearly disobeyed that "only tag 25 friends" rule. cuz this girl makes her OWN rules goshdarnit!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1MoB_Pp0Fpw AND
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eoaTl7IcFs8*go on, CLICK THEM! you know you wanna ... ;-)