Oct 22, 2003 15:34
[my name is]: Khadar SHAIK
[in the morning i am]: walking into school, with minutes to spare.
[all I need is]: ta succeed in life
[love is]: like a rose, it stands out, even though there are thorns around it, it is still beautiful to look at. love is like a rose.
[I'm afraid of]: wierd ppl
[I dream about]: being verrrry successsful. VERY SUCCESSFUL.
-.F A V O R I T E S.-
[COLOR]: sky blue, red
[ANIMAL:] bears.. naturally
[ACTOR/ACTRESS:] samwise & frodo, legolas, gimli, aragorn in lotr.
[MOVIE:] LOTR, Harry Potter
-.W H O.-
[makes you laugh the most?]: haris~
[makes you smile]: everyone
[gives you a funny feeling when you see them]: UMM. id rather not say
[has a crush on you?]: rofl. ok so next question? plz~
[easiest to talk to]: allah, cuz he will always listen to you, even tho ppl will not.
-D O.Y O U.E V E R.-
[wish you were a member of the opposite sex]: WTF wrote this survey?
[cry because of someone saying something to you]: yar, im sensitive, even tho i look like a brute.
-.H A V E.Y O U.E V E R.-
[sacrificed for your best friend]: sacrificed, yes, i think i have quite a few times, even tho the person does not notice it.
[been rejected]: haha. rejected? noone rejects khadar.
[used someone]: it actually seems like im helping them, but im in fact using them, yes the sad truth =(
[been cheated on]: hmmmm. let me see. yes hahahha, they always come back tho when its all over. i guess im what they use to fall back on?
[done something you regret]: yes, i have done a whole lot of things i regret. first i ever regret coming to irvington, even tho there are ppl of very fine stature, but when i leave, it'll be like i'm starting a whole new life again, its the sad truth, irvington brings back memories. i do not want to see some faces ever ever ever again, or they will depress me very much. i hope college is much different. plz god.
-.W H O.W A S.T H E.L A S T.P E R S O N.-
[you hugged]: mon mother~?
[you laughed with]: basil in comp tech, ahhahaha one heck of a time transporting computers.
[you kissed]: none.
[you said "i love you" to .. and meant it?]: umm, that is not my style doGGS. its more like keep them hooked, keep them coming back for more, then break the ice.
-.D O.Y O U / A R E.Y O U.-
[smoke cigarettes]: umm. no~
[obsessive]: not really.
[what's your favorite food?]: chicken, pizza
[whats your favorite fruit?]: bananas
[drink alcohol?]: hahaha. all those ppl who drink are gonna die soon newayz. makes more room for the rest of us.
[like watching sunrises or sunset]: sunrise, i saw it with someone. a special someone. but yeah it wuz tite. the radiant sun coming up to your face, its so beautiful.
[what hurts the most?]: my parents, saying caustic remarks about me.
[trust others way too easily?]: umm, yes, i can handle myself tho. i know ppl, when i look at them.
-.N U M B E R.-
[of times I have had my heart broken?]: lemme see once, never ever again.
[of hearts you have broken?]: i dont know, if i did sorry
[of continents I have lived in?]: 2?
[of tight friends?]: hmmm. lets see 6 or 7 "elite" which includes LIZ CHOOOO, and carol LIEU!!! btw
[of records that I own?]: 0, kazaa lite?
[of scars on my body?]: one on my eyebrow.
-.P I C K.O N E.-
[MARRY PERFECT FRIEND OR PERFECT LOVER]: ummm. friend? i dunno i tend to think of marriages as a higher form of "friendships."
[CATS OR DOGS:] either ones. disgustings.
[1 PILLOW OR 2 :] like heller.
[W/ OR W/O ICE CUBES: ] ice cubes are bad for me.
[TOP OR BOTTOM :] either one. dunn reallly care
[WINTER/SPRING/SUMMER/FALL:] rainy season. so winter yeah
[BUNK OR WATER BED:] water bed
[SHOWERS OR BATHS:] bathssss.
[LOVE OR LUST:] love really turns into lust. believe it or not.
[SILVER OR GOLD:] umm. i dunno dont' really own that stuff.
-.I F.Y O U.C O U L D.-
[Move anywhere:] umm not really, fremont's ok. for now.
[Meet one famous person:] the prophet muhammad.
[Live with one person the rest of your life:] *this info has just been classified*
[Name one thing you love:] computers.
[Name one thing that embarrasses you:] my skills w/computers
[Do you like school?] umm nat really
[Do you like to talk on the telephone?] TEXT msg. it up
[Do you like to dance?] um depends...
[Do you sing in the shower?] if its a nice clean tune, not some wierd shit
[Do you think cheerleading is a sport?]: UHHHHH, no.
[What's on your ceiling?] 2,789 paint mark thingeys.
[What's the hardest thing about growing up?] the adolescence part. juss like. when u walk into school. u should juss blind ur eyes. so that u dont' see someone. its a nasty world out there.