Setting: Ansem's Gummi Ship, en route to Wonderland
Character(s): Vincent Valentine (
bloodyredvelvet ) and Ansem (
i_pwn_the_world )
Status: [Completed]
Summary: Vincent has a dream, and two unwelcome guests become rivals for his heart/body/soul.
It wasn't the largest challenge of Ansem's life to get Vincent to accept food and drink from him. Though he'd gotten the other man to open up a bit while they searched town by making up a lost lover and not mentioning this imaginary person's gender.
This had made Vincent, himself bring up a partner by the name of Veld. It was in passing, while Vincent was getting a haircut that he'd mentioned Veld had literally dragged him to his first haircut.
Ansem took no outward notice, but there was something about the way he'd said the name. And in such a person, it would be something so easy to manipulate as love that kept his heart beating…
Vincent had mentioned Veld three more times, in passing, it seemed anything domestic brought the other person's memory. This was well and good, Ansem slid into mentioning his "past relationship" at those times as well.
It was odd to him, then, when Vincent purchased a gun that he didn't need. When pressed, the other man simply shrugged his shoulders and walked off, tucking the weapon under his cape and walked off to his room on their airship, leaving Ansem to himself to continue packing for his deliveries.
Ansem let his mind wander until he'd finally administered the dream serum to Vincent's drink. He stood then, outside the other man's door, waiting for him to fall into sleep. He would see then, who this Veld person was.