Feb 18, 2009 02:28
Decided to join this fandom. Again. Just like a good little girl.
Request, plzkthnx.
What I know: I played KH when it was first released because of the senseless begging of a friend. Then I was addicted. I stalked KHI for news about KH:CoM and KH:II, preordered both of those games and beat them in a matter of days, then signed petitons with the raving fury of a fangirl because KHII:FM+ wasn't coming to NA....
Damn. I still haven't bought RE:CoM.
I will do: Anyone with female genitalia. But for the purposes of writing fic, I do not discriminate. I'm really looking for crack-pairings. Throw all your Larxene/Xion-ish requests my way, please! I'm also fine with AU, crossovers, ect.
I will not write: Canon, Kairi, and Disney characters. I have nothing against these things... Okay, well, maybe I do have a problem with canon and Kairi, but I ♥ Disney. I just don't want to write it (unless it's Kim Possible fic). Oh, I'm not too good with comedy, either.
Het | Yaoi | Yuri: Yes. No. Yes. I'll write Het only if there's no sex involved.
Number of requests I am taking: Ah.... Two. It's my favorite number.
Trade? Not required. :)
Disney: No.
Rating: As high as you can go. All of your insane kinks are fine with me, too.
Format for requesting
☆ Pairing/Character:
☆ Rating:
☆ Prompt: