Title: A Matter of Intelligence
lostscoreRating: PG?
Word Count: Still don't have a new computer so as this was written in notepad, I don't know. Maybe 750+?
Pairings/Warnings/Spoilers: See above comment on notepad being the best technology I've got on this heap. Spelling. Also, Self-Insert. Yep, you read that right. No pairings. If you know anything about Nobodies, Heartless and Organization XIII, you're good to go.
Author's Notes: Awhile back, someone on the rantbunnies comm did a set of challenges along the lines of: Write a good self-insert/sucked-into-your-PS2/original character romance... I like tough challenges, so here's my go. Whether it's good or not, is up to you...all I know is that writing about myself in third person is WEIRD. I'm glad to be getting back to writing. Oh and yes, my REAL name is Ash if you didn't already know.
Rant Challenge Fic Is GO!")
(Crossposted to
kh_rantbunnies and