Title: Twelve for Eight - Part 4
lostscoreRating: PG-13
Warnings/Spoilers/Pairings: Um...some Mary Sues that are really desperate to get in Axel's pants? Mild AkuRoku. Mention of Rape. Mention of Yaoi. Character Death...and we know what that means. This is also what I guess you would call a satire of the movie Battle Royale, and draws heavily on it's plot devices. If you are a sick, twisted individual like myself who really enjoys violent, gory books (and there's a film adaptation as well), it's a neat thing to check out. This story is less-so on the gore factor, to help keep it a little more accessible to everyone.
Wordcount: 1800+
Authors Notes:
omegapenguin0 wrote a list of 30 Plotbunnies in 30 Minutes. Number 4 was "Twelve Sues, One Axel...do the math." Once again, I'd like to remind that this is a parody. My true opinions include that I am a fan of yaoi, I am a fan of Disney and Anime. I am a fan of some real questionable shit too, real-life rape is not an experience I'd wish on anyone, writing sues and silly reactions to a bit of critique...well, hey, when I was a younger fanfiction author - I pulled some of this crap myself. Everyone, EVERYONE in this fic gets lambasted and teased and poked at. S'okay? In addition, it was a total accident that I wound up writing this today...so don't get too used to this spammy chapter-a-day thing. I have these massive projects coming up that's going to kill my writing time (And frankly, should have already...yet here we are. I swear this thing's got it's claws into me worse than a Sue on Ax...oh no no, now that's just egotistical.) Ever Onwards.
What do you think she meant ‘we’ll figure something out’? )
http://lostscore.livejournal.com/25604.html - Part 3
http://lostscore.livejournal.com/25323.html - Part 2
http://lostscore.livejournal.com/24839.html - Part 1