Title: Islands Like Glass Towers - Chapter Three
lynxgriffinRating: No higher than G-PG for now
Spoilers: This takes place even before BBS, so there's some BBS spoilers
Characters/Pairings: Sora's dad/Sora's mom, with a side of Riku's dad/Riku's mom
Warnings: Pregnancy and/or childbirth in later chapters, plus adorable bitties. Also expect some Final Fantasy cameos.
Notes: Now on to chapter three, which is pretty short, but fun nonetheless
Since the two had gotten there in the afternoon, there wasn't as much time to enjoy all the luxuries Kenta's hotel had to offer, but they were able to start with the basics. There was dinner cooked for them by Rosa (easily one of the best chefs on the islands), and some time in the private hot tub afterwards...just enough for fingertips to get a little wrinkly.
As the day wound down into evening, the couple found themselves lying on their backs out on the grass beside the hot tub, a bowl of fruit and desserts between them. The ocean sat before them, pristine purple and blue beneath the setting sun. The wind was soft and the earth beneath them was warm. For having lived on the islands their entire lives, it was still nice to be reminded of just how beautiful it all was.
Taro sighed with contentment, and reached his hand into the bowl of food only to pull out a familiar star-shaped fruit. He grinned, and learned over to show it to his wife. "Well Emi, look what I found here."
Emi giggled, reaching up to trail her fingers along his. "You used to not believe in the paopu fruit legend, you know."
"That's because it's just silly," Taro joked. He held the fruit over their heads as if he were grasping at a star in the sky. "Who'd ever believe a fruit could shape destinies, anyway?"
"And yet, you were the one to offer first!"
"You're going to remind me of that every chance you can, aren't you?" Taro said in a voice that showed he didn't mind this at all. He tore off a piece of the fruit for himself, some of the juice getting sticky on his fingers, and handed the rest over to Emi. "Here you go."
Emi took the offered paopu and examined it as if trying to discern all its secrets. "So, Taro...why did you book us this vacation?"
"I needed a reason?"
"No, but you do have one."
Taro smiled up at the stars. He may have been good about reading Emi, but he wasn't so skilled at hiding his intentions. "I saw the way you were looking at Lana and her baby the other day at the party."
Emi didn't respond.
Taro turned his head a little so that he could see her reaction, the grass tickling the sides of his face. "You want a child, too."
She turned the fruit over in her hand, looking almost embarrassed. "We did say we were going to wait until we were ready."
"Do you think we're ready?"
"I..." Emi paused for a long time, searching for her answer. "I think I'm ready."
"Then that's why we're here," Taro said, and slid up so that he was sitting on the grass and looking down at her. His smile was warm and broad. "Because I am, too."
Emi's sense of embarrassment seemed to vanish at that statement, and she laughed. "Taro! You seriously booked us four days here based on a look I gave?"
He leaned further over and kissed her on the forehead. "I was right, wasn't I?"
Emi hooked one arm around his neck, her brown eyes dancing with all manner of thoughts. Once again, he felt had a pretty good idea of what those thoughts were. "Maybe so...but what if you aren't about us getting a baby in the end?"
"Then it's still time well spent, I'd say," Taro replied. He took the piece of paopu fruit still in one hand and popped it into his mouth. "And I am usually right."
Emi grinned up at him, holding the remaining fruit before him as if it were bait. "Especially about paopu fruit legends." With that, she took a bite out of the fruit herself.
She had him there, but she also had him with her smile, her kindness, that quiet mystery that had gotten him so interested in her when they'd first met. She was beautiful...older than that moment years ago when he'd first realized it, but still beautiful. And she was his, and he was hers. He leaned in even closer until their noses were touching, strands of dark hair falling into his face. "We've got four days to see if I'm right on this one, don't we?"
"Then you should stop wasting our time," she whispered back, wrapped both arms around him completely and kissed him hard.
And so they stayed out on the grass the rest of the night, not caring about the wet on the grass or the cool night air one bit, underneath a sky that was endless, but still not big enough for the two of them.