Title: Lost and Found
Genre: Drama/Angst/Romance/Hurt/Comfort/lLife
Rating: T (for some explicit scenes)
Characters/Pairings: Kairi & various FF/KH cameos (Roxas/Kairi & hints of Sora/Kairi as the main with a little bit of CloTi and Zerith because I love those two)
Warnings/Spoilers: It's very lengthy--about 60+ pages and a 25, 000+ word count kind of lengthy. It's also very, very AU. So, you don't necessarily have to play the game in order to understand this story. There are various references to the game itself, but nothing big to get confused over.
Summary: He was a wanderer, a no body-he couldn’t even remember his own name. And there she was; hopeless and broken and equally as lost as him. Perhaps what they’ve been looking for all along is each other.
- A story about loss, love, time and what it means to carry on.
Additional Notes: After working on this non-stop for four whole days I am finally finished. I've seriously neglected sleep and food for this fic, and I have to say it's been worth it.
HERE Please tell me what you think!