Title: Natalie Babbitt
Word Count: 306
Notes: I know that's not a good title, but that's the title. This was originally going to be part of a collection but I liked it better on it's own. It's based on Natalie Babbitt's book, Tuck Everlasting. Beautiful descriptions in that book...
The tall grass swayed in the slight breeze, and Namine lay in the middle of it while looking up at the sky. She watched the clouds move across the vast ocean of blue and wondered when the next good thing would happen. Time had passed and she didn’t know how much, nor did she care. She couldn’t care.
Turning her head to the side she saw him. Roxas. His shirt was damp from the spring, as though he’d just taken a drink before coming out to the meadow. He was next to her soon after arriving, grasping her hand tightly in his own. “I don’t want this moment to ever end,” she whispered, fixing her position to lay her head against his chest.
Roxas held Namine closer. “Remember when I told you I was far older than seventeen?” he questioned, counting the stars silently. The uncertainty that filled her eyes was slow, she’d never been so unsure before. “I’ve been seventeen for a long time now.”
“What are you talking about?” Namine asked, looking down at him as she did so. She just wanted to have him by her side forever and ever.
Roxas climbed to his feet and held a hand out for her. “I’m talking about living forever. I’m never going to die.” Namine took his hand and picked herself up. “Look, you’re already taller,” he told her, brushing hair out of her face and tucking it behind her ears. “It was the spring that did it.”
It was dark now, and they were still there in the center of the meadow. “Roxas.” Namine was growing tired, but she wouldn’t let herself fall asleep yet. “Promise me you’ll drink from the spring and wait for me,” Roxas murmured, pressing a kiss to her hand. “Namine, I’ll love you until the day I die.”