brief update

Jan 11, 2009 18:14

spent christmas in limerick this year. had christmas dinner at a friend's house with her family. great pressies all around.

visited chicago early dec. for the family reunion/early xmas party. saw family i hadn't seen in 3+ years.

got sick twice. once a small bug, once a nasty bug. only missed a week of work. so, in a sense, i go back to work for the first time (for real) tomorrow.

building SpADE in the photography studio in the basement of the library. a temporary solution to a serious problem: where to house my 32-channel lab. hopefully some demos will show the admin that we need a permanent home.

did absolutely no work over the break. i had a million personal projects that i was going to make a serious dent in. but, at least i'm calmer and more fully rested.

personal life is the same old same old. no details, since this is a public post. but it's unchanged, so there's nothing really to add.
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