
Dec 15, 2007 13:44

how can something so lame keep me so preoccupied? my god! i think it's because i haven't quite figured out the interface. i don't know... i'm fascinated.

i also like throwing things at people.

but on a more serious note: i definitely browse the social networking sites more when i'm procrastinating and/or feeling isolated. seeing as i'm supposed to be grading 80 Max/MSP & Csound projects right now, it's reasonable to feel both.

as facebook has been one of the most time-consuming things i've bothered with today, i will compile a list of other daily superlatives:

most exciting thing of the day: i broke a nail.
most tiring thing of the day: i walked to the taxi stand.
most habitual thing of the day: i had breakfast at the wild onion.
most intellectual thing of the day: i read a bit more from the god delusion by richard dawkins.
most constructive thing of the day: i walked away.
most considerate thing of the day: i held a door open.
most selfish thing of the day: i called a friend who is leaving for christmas.
most pathetic thing of the day: i sat in my office playing games.
most random thing of the day: i thought of my cat unexpectedly.
most compulsive thing of the day: i re-played the past three days in my head over and over.
most impulsive thing of the day: i gave a gift of a tiara to a facebook friend.

i must have slept 15 hours last night. this is totally unheard of for me. 8 hours is unheard of for me. it's brilliant. no wonder people like sleep so much. i think i would do it more often if i could. what a great form of escape. but it kind of leaves me in this bored, apathetic state. and i'm too much in my head for my own good. this means i probably won't sleep for a week. *sigh*
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