May 04, 2005 19:53
Today has been way to hectic
I have a job this summer, finally. I'm going to be a nanny for a family I met through a school project. They are are really awesome, and i only work 2-3 days a week so thats nice.
The rest of the day i spent forever on the phone with insurance companies and cell phone companies. I dont think either understand the idea of customer service. I officially hate suncom and harry connick junior. I got so fed up I canceled my phone and switched to cingular, much nicer people! I still have the same number so thats nice.
While i was on hold i studied for my finals.
Im really glad i was busy b/c when im not i keep thinking about my grandma. Yesterday she lost vision in her left eye, and apparently there is not much they can do. My mom called me crying she was so upset. I hate it when my mom is sad and there is nothing i can do about it. It makes it even worse that i can't be home for mothers day. my mom was upset b/c my grandma kept saying she was old and useless and would be better off dead. I know it sounds horrible but I think she just misses my grandpa, he died on bid day 2001. I honestly don't know what my family would do without her. Shes like that unifying rock. Shes like 85 and hasn't had any medical problems yet, so this is scary for us. bleh...back to work to avoid sadness.