(no subject)

Apr 04, 2005 15:09

I am colorblind.
Coffee black and egg white.
Pull me out from inside.

I am ready...
I am ready...
I am ready...

I am
Taffy stuck, tongue tied.
Stuttered shook and uptight.
P.u.l.l. me out from INSIDE.

I am ready...
I am ready...
I am ready...
I am...


I am covered in skin.
No one gets to come in.
I am (f.o.l.d.e.d) and [u.n.f.o.l.d.e.d] and {u.n.f.o.l.d.i.n.g}

I am...

Coffee black and egg white.
Pull me out from inside.

I am ready...
I am ready...
I am ready...

I am...fine.

I am....fine.

I am fine.
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