(no subject)

Dec 22, 2008 13:09

I didn't get any sleep last night, and since it's cold and rainy, I'm not feeling as well as I have been otherwise recently. So, I've taken Soma and plan to ramble here until it kicks in and I get too loopy to string letters into proper words.

Random information with pictures follow.

This is Kent Island. It is where my family lives, and where my church operates, and home of what I consider my community. It's a forty-minute drive over three bridges, so I'm not there nearly as often as I'd like. I cannot wait to move.

I've been able to see the girl a lot lately, which is always amazing. She's amazing. And so damn cute.

Those pics were on the serious side, so I feel obligated to share one that is most definitely not. This one here was taken (with an old camera phone) during my days as a sporadically-disgruntled barista, and with two of my favorite people. Amanda (the one on the end that isn't me) had a friend who made it into a shirt for her. Beneath our picture, it reads, "This is my most awesomest shirt."

Not just true, but brilliant, too.

I got a new haircut yesterday. I've worn my hair the same way for about fifteen years, now, and I decided it was time for a change. It's pretty thin but I have a lot of it, and it's naturally wavy. Theoretically, nice. The problem is that it's easy to weigh down, so when it gets past my chin (which is always; one dutch-boy is enough for me, danke), it straightens out on the top while staying wavy on the bottom. The end result is, if I'm not careful, an unnerving resemblance to a show poodle.

Do not like.

So, I told her I want to avoid that, all while keeping it simple and easy to maintain. I have zero styling skills. I don't even own a hairdryer.

You know, when the hairdresser pulled out a razor and lopped off four inches from the crown of my head without warning, I suppose I should have felt a little worried. I didn't. Good thing, too. I got mounds of fabulous razor-cut layers, and the overall effect has made me absolutely giddy. I've never been so happy with my hair since... Well, never.

Also, I am a cookie-making machine.

just 'cause

Feeling drowsy, now, so I'm signing off. Want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas before I go, though. I hope all you lovely people have an amazing holiday, and a happy New Year.

celebrations, holidays, family, shenanigans, random

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