A special San Jose Sharks fan has a great day!
http://youtu.be/5OSJHQFHbGA WANT!
http://cheezburger.com/8111766272 kitty mischief!
http://cheezburger.com/8102508288 Stranger danger! Except when there's cookies and ice cream!
http://youtu.be/xS0XiOLW_Qk Young Norwegian man tries to use the voice controls in his Audi:
http://youtu.be/NmWRhhvf60Y Rescuing 15 dogs in 15 minutes:
http://youtu.be/qi64D7Y0cb0PS: You can turn down/off the music!
I may or may not have posted this one before. It seems a little different than one I thought I'd seen previously. Dolphin comes to some divers for medical attention:
http://youtu.be/2gvgkHSyKFE And for the finale:
http://cheezburger.com/8102383104 *hugs*