Feb 23, 2009 08:38
(my first poem)
Dude, this is insane,
No pun intended.
ha ha... I am like this crayon that blends in with too many things. There are these headlights with brights on right in front of me, and I wanna go greet the driver and say, "Hi, welcome to Earth! We're so excited to see you, a real Artist!" But the closer I get to the headlights, the "crazier" I become. Seriously, I think our Lord triggers our bodies to do amazing things... like, chemical imbalances suck, no doubt, but if you were God, and you had a BIG surprise party, you wouldn't want some kid walkin' behind the curtain of Oz to discover the Wizard behind it all. I mean, it totally makes sense.... I'm flyin' like 90 miles OVER the speed limit. That IS insane ha ha.... Oh... India Arie, you're makin' cry.
I've got about 10 minutes before Lithium comes over and beats me. Lucifer.... huh... mmm... balance. So I end now with a happy note. I'll flip through a book and see what it says...
ha ha, oh my...
"Is the bread really destroyed? We will admit the form is changed for, in place of the loaf, we have a small amount of dust or ashes. Has it not in reality been returned to the Universal Substance from which is sprang? Is it not now in unmanifest form, waiting to be brought again into manifestation. Is this not the way with all forms that go fro our sight either by fire or decay or in any other way. Do they not return to the Universal Substance - God - from which they sprang? Is this not the meaning of 'What descends from heven must ascent into heaven?'
A short time ago you saw ice formed, without any apparent cause, as you perhaps think of it. Let me say that that is the same as creating the bread. I can use the law to obtain ice as well as bread, just as long as I either as a benefit to mankind, or as long as I am working in living accord with the low, or expressing as God wishes all to express. It is good for all to make bread, or ice, or any and all things desired; and all must press on to the stage at which they can do these things. Can you not see that by using the highest law, the absolute law of God, you may bring forth that which you need or conceive in mind as your highest idea and thus please God more fully by manifesting more fully, knowing as Jesus did that we are perfect Sons [and Daughters] of God?
Does not this suggest freedom from commercial bondage as well as all other bondage?--
(This is me, WHOA! I'm just reading this for the first time... what if "commercial bondage" was a bar code, say, 666? This is JUST a what if. I think this Master meant conscious desire, which would be love-based and not of fear. So, with the union of God, perhaps, we may create more consciously... huh...)--
"As I see it, the commercial bondage will, in a few years, become the greatest bondage of all. If it goes on at the rate it is now progressing, it will dominate man, soul and body, and it cannnot do otherwise than consume itself and those that are interested in it--
(HAHA HA, these men journeyed to India in 1894 to meet with these "Masters," not Gods, but ones who have fully embraced unconditional love for humanity.... it's interesting that this was written over a hundred years ago and we're seeing that bondage breaking apart globally... huh...)--
"There is no questions but that the first inception of commercialism was on a high spiritual plane, but materialism was allowed to creep in until the very power used to create is the power that will consume; just as they very power used to create will always consume if not used rightly. Is not the pressing of commercialism and limitations upon us crowding us on to see that we must come up over, or overcome, these conditions? Is not this done by simply realizing that we are to do the perfect works of God, to raise our consciousness to the Christ Consciousness? Is not this what Jesus taught us here on earth? Does not His whole life exemplify this?"
And it goes on... this is just but an expression of one of the teachers in India. His humility allows him to address that he does not desire to convert or bring demise to any institution or faith, but rather that he looks forward to the day with man and womenkind are united with God, "Heaven on earth." Just an interesting take... I'm glad I flipped there. I wanted to read something new...
But all is well, and this Lithium isn't Lucifer after all, huh... I feel well... Very well.. amen : )