Jan 08, 2009 03:48
Of all the signs, as an Aquarius, you've been among the most beleaguered signs. You were first tested by Saturn opposed to your Sun, and then beginning last February and August 2008, by the start of the eclipses in Aquarius, the opposite sign of Leo. Saturn and the eclipses were asking you to reinvent yourself, and from mid-2005 you've been doing just that.
The eclipses will continue - actually, there is one, a new moon solar eclipse, that is due this month in Aquarius on January 26. Its twin, a full moon lunar eclipse, is due in Leo next month on February 9. Rather than push, prod, and test you, as the eclipses did last year, these eclipses will more likely help you. The last one will occur on August 5, 2009, and will come as a full moon lunar eclipse in Aquarius. Again, Jupiter will be standing behind you, protecting you every inch of the way.
All the trials you went through were to make you stronger and tougher, more able to handle whatever life tossed your way. You will have no more eclipses in your sign for nine years after August, so by then you can rest. So you see, dear Aquarius, the universe has not forgotten you. The universe loves you and will reward you abundantly in 2009.
You will see evidence of the turnaround almost immediately. Let's go through January and see what's up for you because you may start to see developments as soon as the end of the month, which is the start of birthday month!
January will begin in a very quiet way. It is as through you were standing in the wings backstage behind a big velvet curtain. You hear the orchestra tuning up, and you can hear the people moving into their seats. The sense of anticipation and excitement is high. Jupiter, the great giver of gifts and luck, has already entered at the theatre with his entourage, flanked by the Sun, Pluto, and Mars - quite an authoritative group. Soon the Sun and Mars will accompany Jupiter into Aquarius, and Pluto will stay behind in Capricorn to do his future work there.
The gracious new moon - the grand lady in white - has already appeared at the end of December and packaged the glorious energy for the planets in Capricorn. She is now getting ready to stand with the Sun at the new moon solar eclipse in Aquarius on January 26 to herald your stardom.
Capricorn is getting ready to relinquish his crown to you, and he is practicing his speech. Neptune and Mercury have arrived in Aquarius to welcome Jupiter when he finally makes the change to your constellation on January 5 - the Sun will follow into Aquarius on January 19. Jupiter never travels alone, so as you see, Jupiter will have a new entourage soon with Neptune, Mercury, the Sun, and by February, Mars and later Mercury, to make sure you notice his presence in your sign.
While you pace nervously back and forth awaiting the curtain to go up on your golden year, you need to go over your notes. What is it that you would like to achieve in this glorious year ahead, dear Aquarius? You need to know the answer to that question, not in a casual way, but in a very detailed, precise way.
You will not feel Jupiter's presence too strongly in the first two weeks of January. In that time, you can reflect, meditate, take long walks, and talk to friends about your dreams for the year. You won't have a year this glorious again until December 2020, so use those first two weeks well by thinking deeply.
On the full moon January 10, operative January 9 to 14, you may get a surprise assignment or find that you are working hard to finish one at the office. Your thinking will sparkle and you'll have lots of good ideas to add. Teamwork around you will be so good you'll wonder if you are dreaming! (Your co-workers are good souls but THIS energetic and helpful? Well, that's saying something! Bless their hearts!)
This assignment that comes up near the full moon January 10 may represent a sudden arrival of a new piece of business, a chance to work overtime, or a freelance job that you did not expect to get. Whatever it happens to be, it seems to put more money in your pocket almost immediately, so you'll be glad to get it.
Watch your health in days surrounding the full moon, January 10, for if you don't, you may come down with a cold. You'll be working hard on that assignment, and it may drain you a bit.
Although Jupiter will be in your sign this month, you won't be able to instantly move forward with new plans for one reason: Mercury will go retrograde.
Mercury will be retrograde from January 11 to February 1, so you will need to be patient while you firm up your plans as best you can without making an actual commitment. Mercury will retrograde in Aquarius, so you may feel this retrograde more than most, because you ARE an Aquarian. You may be frustrated with this situation, which is due to last three weeks, for Mercury retrograde forces us to look back to revisit, redesign, reevaluate, reassess, rethink, and repair both things and relationships.
You should not sign contracts during a Mercury retrograde period. You should also not buy any anything expensive, and especially not any electronic things, for if you do during retrograde Mercury, they will not deliver the pleasure you might anticipate.
Normally, as the patient scientist of the zodiac, the idea of going slowly and refining your work and your assumptions is an appealing idea. You like to get things right. This time, it probably will be a bit harder to hold back because you've waited so long for Jupiter's blessings that you'll want to get going.
There are other reasons you'd be wise to hold back, and perhaps when I show you why, you'll feel better about it. Mars will be in Capricorn in January, and because Mars will be in a strategic house, that's what you should be focused on. Mars' presence there says you may think you are ready to run with the banner, but in fact, you have more details to think about.
Mars will visit Aquarius from February 4 until March 15, and that will be your green light to begin. As the energy planet, Mars will be your booster rocket. That's the time to launch your biggest career and personal initiations. Mars only comes by once every two years, and when he does, it is always a big year for you. Once in Aquarius, Mars will form part of Jupiter's entourage - and all those planets will be there to help YOU most! On all counts, February is your bigger and far better month to begin, from February 4 onward.
Still, having said that, there will be some massively important, brilliantly favorable aspects in January to set the tone of what's to come. Although you may not be unveiling your biggest plans, you will have lots of lucky days to enjoy, so let's look at those delicious days.
Your first special day will arrive on January 17, when Mercury will conjunct Jupiter. Mercury rules your second house of earned income, so it looks like you will hear very good news about an opportunity to earn extra cash. It may come as a freelance job, new piece of business, or an opportunity to work overtime. Or, you may get news that your boss will give you more money in your paycheck next month. Whatever happens, you seem to be happy, and the news is VERY good.
If you find that extra money does not show up, it may be because Mercury is retrograde. Don't be blue - you will have a second chance at this aspect on February 24.
Next watch January 22 for more happy financial news, due to Mars in beautiful aspect to Uranus, and Venus conjunct Uranus. This should be a stellar day to find opportunities to increase your income in unexpected ways.
The luckiest day of the year arrives next, on January 23-24, when Jupiter meets with the mighty Sun. Each year Jupiter and the Sun choose a different constellation to meet in - this time it will be in Aquarius. With the meeting in your sign, Aquarius, you will get to direct the energy any way you choose. That's carte blanche!
Use one or both (or more) days to travel any distance, to have a big important meeting, to offer a proposal in your business or personal life, or to do something else dear to your heart. A partner or middleman will be VERY helpful to you at this time, so see if you can decide how this may work for you!
Watch closely the phone calls you receive, the offers that are made, and the people you meet in the days that follow. There is special weight and importance to the activity around you, and from those clues you will shortly see your path ahead.
If you were born on January 24 or within five days of this date, it means your whole year will be different from years that have come before.
The solar eclipse, a new moon, will arrive next on January 26. An eclipse is a massively important aspect and will likely open a path. I like solar eclipses because they are new moons, known for fresh starts. This eclipse is a rare one because it falls within a significant five degrees of Jupiter, planet of happiness and good fortune. I feel this eclipse will quicken the pace and begin to bring you the kinds of opportunities that would be right up your alley.
If your birthday falls on January 26, or within five days of this date, you will feel this day quite strongly and will have a whole year filled with happiness. I say that because in your case it falls on or near what astrologers call "your solar return," which means the Sun has come back to where it was when you were born.
Some eclipses deliver their news immediately, on or within a week of the eclipse, or one month to the day later, plus or minus five days.
Also watch the period next month, from February 10-14, when Mars will orbit over the precise degree of the eclipse plus or minus one degree. Of these days, the most likely day to hear news will be on February 12.
Occasionally you will see a person leave your everyday life on an eclipse. If this happens, it would more likely be a man. Depending on where your Sun is in your chart, it could be, for example, that a top executive leaves your firm or a friend moves to another part of the country. These are but two of many possibilities, so keep your eyes open. I don't think this is as likely to happen with this particular eclipse - this one seems so very positive in so many ways.
I should mention that sometimes a health concern shows up on an eclipse. Your ruler, Uranus, is being opposed by Saturn right now, so sometimes this means you have to do something to bring your health into balance. You may be required to follow a certain discipline or routine, for that is what Saturn usually does. For example, your doctor will say, "no salt," or "exercise more," or whatever else to become healthier.
If you should hear of any concern, with Jupiter nearby you should expect really good results by following the program - Jupiter is called the great healer and planet of miracles, so do as your doctor says! I feel it is unlikely that you would find any health concern, because this eclipse falls so close to the luckiest day of the year. Nevertheless, I cannot see everything in your chart, so should that happen, it will be a sign that the eclipse is being your friend by showing you what's needed to be done to feel tip top again. Solar eclipses are associated with fresh starts, which is why I am so enthusiastic about this one.
Romantically, as said earlier, this year will be one of your best for meeting a soul mate. This month you may want to put a circle on January 17-18. This could be a highly romantic weekend due to a lovely meeting of Mercury, ruler of your fifth house of true love, and Jupiter. Both will be in Aquarius! I love this date! (If you are working on a creative hobby or project at work, you'd also make big progress this weekend, too.)
If you should find the weekend of January 17-18 slightly off the mark, it might be because Mercury is retrograde. You will get a second chance when these two planets meet again next month on February 24. Gee, that's lucky! Dear Aquarius, when you're hot, you're hot!
I had mentioned that a partner could prove to be a true gem over January 23-24, when Jupiter will conjoin the Sun. That partner could well be your romantic partner or spouse. What a sweetheart!
Financially, January 22 will be sensational! Money will come raining down from the heavens when you least expect it! Wow! That's the power of Mars aligned with Uranus, and Venus conjunct Uranus, on the same day! Money has been a sore point for Aquarius, but this day can help you keep your ledgers in the black.
On January 23-24, with Mars in such good angle to Venus and also to Saturn, you could also find a new way to add security to your financials. It's a great day on so many levels - seek solid, reliable financial advice and benefit from it.
You have so much to look forward to, dear Aquarius! You have waited so long for a bit of luck. It's finally coming through to you! Spend the month thinking about how you can best use this dazzling, rare energy. Next month will be an even bigger and happier month for you. Just you wait till you see!
What a glorious year awaits you in 2009! You will soon be crowned the celestial favorite on January 5 when Jupiter enters Aquarius for the first time in twelve years. Jupiter will remain at your side until January 17, 2010, a full year. Lucky you! This should be a big, wide year, where almost everything you do will have large scale! With such favor, there will be no reason to hold back! Institute your biggest ventures and initiations in February when so many planets will be on your side.
There is no doubt you are eager to get going, but you will have to hold back because of the impending Mercury retrograde period, due from January 11 to February 1. Mercury will retrograde in Aquarius, so you will feel it more directly than most. Mercury retrograde will slow the place and make you revisit and revise some of your decisions, plans, and projects. It is not a time to sign contracts or to begin any new venture. It's also a bad time to buy electronic items or anything expensive.
Don't work up too closely to January 11 or be tempted to jump on plans too quickly the minute February 1 arrives - you need to leave a space of about three days from those start and end dates, at least. Mercury is often quite a naughty little gremlin at those start and end dates. Relax, though, for even though Mercury will be out of phase, you'll still have plenty to celebrate this month.
You will have your "luckiest day of the year" to look forward to on January 23-24 when fortunate Jupiter will merge his brilliant energy with the mighty Sun. These two heavenly bodies will work to bring you good fortune on so many levels - too many to count. This day may even bring the kind of luck that you would say is against all odds. A partner or middleman seems to be responsible for what happens on this day, so see how this works out for you. You might travel, see about improving your looks, or feel improved health on this gorgeous day, as just a few of many possibilities.
Financially, money luck will follow you near January 17-18 and also near January 22. On the days near January 17, you may get an extra freelance job, be asked to work overtime (with good pay), or pick up new business.
January 22 will be even luckier. With Mars in perfect angle to Uranus, when money arrives, it will come as a complete surprise. Also, on the same day, Venus will cuddle up to Uranus, another sign of more money to come to you. Money you see will likely be earned, not won, for the house where this energy will be directed will be earned income. This will be birthday time, so it is also possible you may receive a very generous surprise gift. We all want to be you!
The biggest news of the month will be the new moon solar eclipse in Aquarius at nearly 7 degrees due on January 26. If you were born near that date, or within five days of that date, you will be especially favored. Still, you may have other natal planets that I cannot see that will be lit up at this time. Stay alert.
Eclipses have the power to completely change your life's path, and this one seems primed to do so in the best sense. Jupiter, planet of good fortune, will orbit very close to this new moon eclipse and seems to indicate that a completely new path will suddenly open up for you. Even if you don't feel quite ready, the eclipse will show you that you are!