Jan 28, 2008 02:48
For my mom to talk to... She came home from PFLAG tonight, and asked me a bunch of questions about whether I had a lot of trans-friends, particularly with parents who were supportive.
Basically, her PFLAG group suggested she talk to parents of other trans-people - but lacking any themselves, I guess, told her she should ask me if any of my friends had supportive parents who she could talk to.
Thus, I ask you, my f-list, the following questions:
1. Are you or any of your siblings transgendered and transitioning (either socially or physically?)?
2. If so, are your parents supportive?
3. If you answered yes to questions 1 and 2, would you (and your parents) be willing to let my mom talk to your parents? She said (and I quote!) that her phone lets her call anywhere in the country for the same cost. So she doesn't have to meet them in person, if they're willing to talk over the phone.
I know some of my f-list likes to respond to all of my questions, but in this case, I'm gonna ask that unless you answer yes to questions 1 and 2, please don't comment (it will make it easier on my inbox!).