So this is another rant. What can I say, I complain a lot.
I was sitting in class today and didn't learn one damn thing. I tried though, but I couldn't pay attention. The kid in front of me had one of the worst cases of leg seizures that I have ever seen. He wasn't shaking one leg, like most of the afflicted do, he was shaking both of them. Not only that, but each one was at a different frequency. Leg seizures is my attention kryptonite. Once someone near me starts that's all I focus on. I can't help it. I've been noticing that a lot of people do it in my classes, and it's mostly a guy thing. I'm wondering whether it's just an engineering thing as well. I found a webpage that I think talks about the same thing , Restless Leg Syndrome. It just so happens that next week is RLS Awareness Week. I think I'm going to have to get some brochures and start handing them out.