Things I felt the need to share with the world yesterday:
- 09:15 Random Shirt day on Woot - $6.66 per shirt, including shipping. Woot® : One Day, One Deal™ #fb #
- 09:16 @ Joylyn210 We just waited till the cars left, then took off once there was no traffic. frisbee is much more fun than traffic jams. #
- 11:22 @ terranB I took something like 90 pictures of the umass fireworks if you still want any. A few came out not too bad. #
- 11:26 RT @ron_miller: Things I hate about the new Google Docs Pt 3: There is no spell checker. - this is why I love having a browser w/spellcheck #
- 11:29 Curtis (@azurio from @skytempledesign) just moved into my apartment to be my housemate for July. Awesome fellow, I'm totally excited. #fb #
- 11:32 It is a bank holiday, but us small business owners in #WesternMA are mostly still working. I know I am. #fb - Come... #
- 11:57 @ ron_miller Yeah, strange that they cut it out. Have you emailed support about it? did they have a blog post with an explanation? #
- 12:40 @ Knottia I'm going to try and book us for an appointment to get Commonwealth care then! Insurance shouldn't take 6 months to get. #
- 13:12 It's amazing how big a difference humidity makes to how the weather feels. 92f out right now, but feels ok cause still cool in the shade. #
- 13:23 Go soon as I place an order for an iPhone 4, radio shack calls to say I'm next up and they have them in. #fail #fb #
- 13:34 Just added myself to the twitter directory! - under computers, computer repair, laptop repair, computer services #
- 14:23 Need to renew your Mozy back subscription? 10%off coupon for good for this month only. "JULY" #backup #peaceofmind #fb #
- 14:25 @ JoaniDurandette they are coming in pretty fast around here. 3-5 days through AT&T. #iphone4 #
- 14:39 RT @MotionDoc: Can anyone recommend a good #iphone app for long term project planning? #
- 15:55 @ ron_miller ctrl+shift+K or "tools - check spelling" will bring back #google docs spell check. #
- 18:50 RT @robertbohl: Dear friends: which of you are coders, and are interested in a few indie rpg/art web-based projects? #fb #
- 22:01 Guess poker is a flop this week? No one showed up for Monday night hold'em. #fb --everyones being lame cause it's the 5th? #
- 22:16 RT @adamconnor: Holy fuck. It's hot. --- yeah, why the heck is it still so bloody hot out. #
- 23:22 Late night virus emergency from the folks in the next-door apartment. Another machine to fix! #fb #westernma #
< /Tweets >