Dec 16, 2010 11:20 life has gotten much more complicated as of late, in a way that's good on the grand scale but shitty in the short term. Annnyyway, let's start with the good.

1. Employment: I HAVE A JOB. It's minimum wage and not glamourous (and I'm not putting in as many hours as I'd like yet) but with California at like...12% unemployment? Not complaining. EVER. I'm still kind of sucking at the register but I can hold my own on the line.

2. Dickens Faire: I haven't been able to come in and work as much as I'd like to this year, mostly because of logistics, but I had a fabulous time last weekend hanging out between shows with the fabulous lanna_kitty . Who, quite frankly, I'm surprised put up with my over caffeinated omg-nervous-new-people ramblings. Still, good Dickensy times were had.

3. School: Term is over as of tonight, which will give a good month and change to work and plan towards my University applications/portfolio before new classes start.

4. Costuming/Cosplay: So a costumer friend of mine estelofimladris finally helped me ID the Caprica Fabric that Does Not Exist! It's a silver faux persian lamb. The bad part is that I can't seem to find it in stock anywhere, and not in the right color. Buuuutttt, one of the head costumers at Dickens Faire has offered to help me mock up a muslin for the jacket if I lend them more slave labor on closing weekend.

Okay, here come the bad things.

5. Screenwriting: Totally dropped the ball at the last minute. Panic attacks were had, script was not completed, essay was not completed, oral presentation was not prepared for...urgh.  Also my Anthropology teacher is a total hardass and only gave me an 85% on my, quite frankly flawless essay on disease in relation to evolutionary biology. *grumble*

6. Only getting scheduled for 15 or so hours a week at work right now. Considering I easily have the schedule for 30 + hours.....yeah, I know I'm new, but still. And they keep scheduling me on days I need to be at Dickens and URGH NEED TO FIND SOMEONE TO COVER MY SHIFTS. BUT ALSO NEED MONEY.

7. Need to get my act together and put a portfolio together, need to garruntee getting into this school because I've....kind of started telling people that I'm going there next year. Stupid, I know, but I'm just so sick of all the fucking overprivilaged masses around here looking down at me because I dared to do something different than norm and aren't off at some four year university on Mommy and Daddy's dime.

Annnnyyway, other things.

Fandom: Still need to finish nessismore 's fic. Braindeath plus busyness killed that one. Also need to do my Secret Steno for inthefighting , hystericblue42 , scifichicx , and many many other wonderful people again. Going to miss the lovely inthesestones  badly! But on the plus side, get to meet myfloralbonnet  and beth_soprano. : D

Cons about said Con? Need to apply to be a panelist, even though I'm probably way late and underqualified. Need to get my costume stuff together, and really need to drop another 10 lbs minimum for said costumes. : /

headdeask time, costuming, goddamn karen gillan, frak holidays, my fat ass

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