Fanfic: Salvation Ch. 9&10/11

Dec 19, 2010 13:32

I forgot how short Chapter 9 was, so I'm posting two chapters today so I don't feel like I'm ripping off my readers : P

Chapter 9

The Kent farm was in sight about ten minutes later. Clark abruptly realized that he had no idea how to land, much less land with a passenger in his arms. His body seemed to react to his hesitancy, and when he went to start his landing, he found that he could do little more than hover a few yards from the ground. It seemed that the more he tried to over-think flying, the harder it became. Flying was something he had to feel, not think. He tried a different approach, simply telling himself that he wanted to land. Sure enough, he began to slowly descend. Lois patiently waited for him to work through the struggle, her head leaning against his shoulder. Her heartbeat was still quick, but it had slowed down significantly in the minutes that had passed. He supposed that was a good sign, but she had been quiet the entire flight, and a silent Lois Lane should never be taken lightly.

As his feet touched solid ground, Clark bent over to gently set Lois down. Her arms lingered around his neck for a moment before they slowly slid to rest on his massive biceps. Clark stood very still, his hands plastered to his sides and his eyes downcast. He knew what was coming - the yelling, the accusations, the anger Lois was sure to let loose on him for lying to her all these years. Clark braced himself, waiting.

Lois was quiet for the longest time. Her hands still rested lightly on his arms; the smallest pressure ever possibly felt. Clark didn’t dare raise his eyes.

“You’re the Blur.” Lois said softly. It was a statement, not a question. She could’ve just told him that the weather was nice today.

“Yes.” Clark replied. A large weight immediately lifted off his chest as he said that one small word. The truth… how good it felt to tell the truth for once. He glanced at her face, but couldn’t tell what she was thinking.

Another period of silence, Lois’s eyes searching for Clark’s. He refused to look at her. Gently, she took his warm hand in hers and began to lead him to the loft. Their heavy footsteps on the stairs were the only sounds in the night. She let him go when they reached the top and went to stand by the open window, her back facing him.

“All those phone calls from the Blur - that was you.” She said softly to herself. “When I’ve been hanging onto a thread for my life, it was you who saved me.” She turned to him, her face tender. “All those times you disappeared, or showed up at the right moment out of nowhere… it wasn’t a coincidence. It was you who kept everyone safe.”

Clark didn’t respond, and Lois went to him with soft steps.

“And you aren’t meteor infected… are you?” It was the first real question she had asked.

Clark knew he could lie right now, say yes, he was, and his secret would stay safe… but that was the easy way out, and he’d never wanted to tell the truth more than in that moment. If anyone on Earth deserved to know about him, it was Lois Lane. He knew he was taking a huge risk, but something felt so right about this decision that he knew he would make it no matter what odds were against him. Lois was worth the risk.

“No, I’m not.” Clark said, fully meeting her gaze for the first time. “I’m something much different.”

Lois took another step closer, putting one hand to rest on his cheek. Clark leaned into her touch as she looked into his eyes, seeing the pain and sadness that dwelled in them.

“You look so lonely.” Lois said. “I can’t even recognize you anymore.” The warmth of her hand and the tenderness of her words were filling Clark with emotion.

“You can trust me.” Lois whispered. “Please…” It was the saddest little plea, and it broke Clark’s heart. He nodded his head and pulled her into an embrace, feeling her body curve into his. He kissed the sensitive skin below her ear and felt the breath of her sigh of pleasure against his neck. Clark gently led her to the couch where they sat side by side, their knees touching. Their hands remained joined, neither wanting to let go.

Clark began where his story always begins… in a far-off galaxy not yet known to man, on a small planet called Krypton.

Chapter 10

12:07 a.m.

Clark finished half an hour later. He’d covered quite a bit of content, for once he’d begun to speak, he found that he couldn’t stop. It was like the words wanted to escape faster than his mouth could form them and he couldn’t make himself hold back anymore. He had to tell her everything... and it felt so right.

He told her about Krypton first; the place responsible for his very existence, and everything he had learned about his parents and the day they sent him to Earth. He told her how Jonathon and Martha Kent had found him in a field after the famous meteor shower and took him home. He told her how he had always known he was different, a freak, and he told her of the day when they finally showed him his spaceship and revealed the reason behind his strange abilities when he was fourteen. He told her of the meteors, kryptonite, but she’d already had more than enough experience with them during her time in Smallville.

He told her about his abilities next; how he was stronger than any man alive and how he could see through solid objects; how he could shoot fire from his eyes and hear a car horn from miles away, and how he could run faster than a speeding bullet. He told her that he had only just learned how to fly, although he did not tell her that she was the one who had helped him master it.

He told her about Jor-El and the Fortress, and how he had learned that he’d been sent to Earth to protect humanity and be a symbol of hope and justice. He told her of the training Jor-El had been putting him through, how he had left humanity behind and how it would ultimately make him a better hero. He told her about the symbol he burned into buildings and windows - how it was the symbol of his family crest, and that it reminded him he was not human and that his destiny was greater than that of a normal man. He wore it so he would not forget who he was.

Clark told Lois all this and more. All throughout his speech, Lois said not one word. She listened as attentively as if she were to be quizzed at the end of his lecture. She hardly so much as blinked, but her hand never left his. Finally, when he had finished, a long silence enveloped them. Minutes passed, and she said nothing. In all his life, Clark had never heard Lois so silent - even in her sleep, she still mumbled about something or another.

After almost five minutes of silence had passed, Clark slipped his hand from hers and slowly stood up from the couch. Lois jumped slightly; she had been in a trance, trying to process. Her palm felt cold without his to cover it.

“Lois,” Clark said softly. “I know this is a lot to take in. I know that… you may be looking at me differently now. I just want you to know that it’s ok if you do. I can leave the Planet, change jobs, change cities even. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable around me. I don’t want you to be afraid of me.” He said, a lump forming in his throat. Telling Lois it was ok if he never had to see her again was the biggest lie he had ever told.

He tried to swallow the pain. “The guest room is always open to you, and you’re welcome to stay in the house tonight. It’s a little colder up here, but I’ve never minded temperature too much.” When she stared up at him blankly, he nodded. “I’ll wait inside the house when you’re ready.” And with that parting note, he tore his gaze from her deep brown eyes and went down the stairs of the loft - normal speed.

Clark stepped into the cold night air and shut the barn door behind him. The gravel crunched under his feet as he made his way towards the house, very unsure of how he was supposed to be feeling right now. One thing he was sure of though; with every minute that passed, he knew it would be harder and harder to resist her. By the end of the night, he knew it would be near impossible for him to follow through on his word and leave if she told him to. The very thought shattered his heart.

He shed his jacket as he entered the house, laying it on the railing of the stairs with a soft sigh. It was out of his hands now. He would just have to wait until Lois finished processing. It was going to be a long night.

He was halfway to the living room when the front door burst open and hit the wall behind it with a loud bang. He turned around to see Lois, who was wearing an expression of absolute hurt on her face. He couldn’t think as she walked towards him, couldn’t think of anything at all except that she had never been more beautiful to him than at this moment, even when her face showed all signs of pain and grief. His tongue felt thick in his mouth as he watched her coming closer and closer, and it was physically painful not to be able to touch her now.

Lois was breathing heavily, but she tried not to let it show and she gathered herself the best she could. “You said that leaving would make you a better hero… how, Clark?” She said, her voice cracking slightly.

Clark’s eyes fell for a moment before he had the strength to look her in the eye. “Being so attached to humans… it makes me weak, Lois. It causes me to go against the decisions that are best for humanity. My human emotions are what causes people to get hurt - people I care about.” He took half a step backwards, his heart aching. “It’s better for me to disappear. Everyone is better… safer.”

“No.” Lois shook her head fiercely and crossed the room to him, placing her hand on his cheek. Clark let out a soft, pained noise combined with one of pure pleasure, and Lois forced him to look at her.

“Safer… is not always better.” She said. “What good is it to live life without the people you love in it? You can stay locked up in a house all your life and never be in danger, but it won’t mean anything if you’re miserable. Clark,” Lois placed her free hand inside his own. “You’re dying. I know you told me you’re strong, but you’re not strong enough to win against death. Don’t you understand? You need people. You need your human emotions. That’s what makes you who you are - not your strength, not your speed, but how you were raised. Your ability to see good in people is what makes you different.” Her voice wavered. “You can’t erase half of yourself.”

Clark felt tears pricking the corners of his eyes. He needed to hold her so badly that it hurt.

“Lois, you’ll never be safe with me.” He said throatily.

Lois let out a frustrated noise. “Haven’t you been listening? I don’t care about being safe. I would get into trouble even if I’d never met you, that’s just who I am. I stick my nose where it doesn’t belong, I go the extra mile even if it means I might get hurt somewhere along the road. It’s what I do!”

“Lois…” Clark said, and the break in his voice made her anger disappear in an instant. Her hand left his as she cupped his face, gently stroking his cheek with her thumb.

“What?” She whispered.

Clark’s eyes grew hard as tears filled them, and he gently took her hands from his face. He stepped back, turning away from her. He’d never felt pain like this before. He felt like he was being turned inside out and there was nothing he could do to stop it.

It felt like ages before he could speak again. “You don’t see it yet, but give it time, and you will. You’ll look at me one day and you’ll see me for what I really am - not a human, but a…” He couldn’t say it. He couldn’t make that word come out, and he didn’t try to. His voice was gone, just like everything else that had ever meant anything to him.

Lois gazed at him, her face softening as she realized what he was trying to say. She went to him, and when he had turned to face her once more, she stared into his eyes with a burning fire.

“Do you not know me at all?” Lois asked softly. “I don’t care where you came from. If I’m looking at you differently, it’s not an alien that I see. I see the hero I always knew was inside you.” She took another step forward, their chests almost touching.

“Clark, you may not be a human, but you are a man… and no man should be alone.” Lois’s eyes began to tear again. “Please, Clark, don’t leave again… I need you.” A soft sob escaped her. “I need you so much.”

It was all over, and Clark knew it. The tears finally spilled over his eyelids and Lois’s followed suit, and he finally took her in his arms and pulled her into him with a ferocity he hadn’t know he was capable of. She crashed against his firm chest as both hands instantly flew to the back of his neck, pulling him to meet her lips in a desperate kiss. Everything she had learned that night, everything Clark had told her, everything she knew that was about to change, none of it mattered. Not in this moment, where lust and love were so tangible that it was impossible to discern one from the other, where the two intensities combined to form one single emotion to roam their minds and bodies without reign, and ultimately release their doubts, fears, and inhibitions.

The delicious feeling of pure, unadulterated need.

Clark backed her against the wall, knocking a picture off in the process but hardly caring. Lois gasped and her eyes shut in ecstasy as Clark dove into the crook of her neck, kissing and biting with a rough passion that made her knees buckle underneath her. She flattened her palms against the wall in an attempt to support herself and arched her neck to give Clark a wider range of skin. She felt him lift one of her legs up to his hip, where he held it with a gentleness that was the complete opposite of his attacking mouth. Lois’s skirt shifted to reveal more of her bare leg, and her skin tingled with anticipation as his soft fingers slid down to new territory.

Lois moaned softly, almost too softly to be heard by the human ear, but Clark heard it loud and clear. He could feel himself growing hard beneath his jeans, and the ache made him feel more alive than he’d felt in months. He effortlessly lifted Lois into the air, her chest colliding with his as she wrapped both legs around his waist and met his eyes with a fiery gaze.

“I want you, Clark.” She said lowly, swallowing quick breaths of air. “I want all of you.”

Clark headed for the stairs as Lois clutched his neck, her soft gasps fueling him to go faster. When he came to the bedroom, Lois stared into Clark’s eyes while reaching behind her to grab the doorknob. It clicked and squeaked quietly as she pushed it all the way open, grinning at him. She unhooked her legs from his waist and he slowly set her feet back on the ground.

They held their gaze, both of them catching their breath, neither of them sure if this was all just a dream. Clark put his fingertips to Lois’s cheek, needing to feel her skin. God, all those months of believing her to be dead, believing he would never get the chance to touch her like this. All the miserable nights and the waves of unbearable depression that had left him wishing to die, to no longer feel anything anymore - because without Lois Lane, what was the use of feeling?

“Clark?” Lois whispered.

He gently buried his large hands into the roots of her hair, causing her to shut her eyes with pleasure. He felt a soft tugging and looked down to see her hands pulling at the hem of his shirt. He abandoned her hair and let her work the tee the rest of the way off his broad chest and over his shoulders, letting the material drop to their feet and exposing his bare torso.

Lois couldn’t help the low moan that rumbled in her chest at the sight of him. She ran her fingers over his stomach and shuddered, feeling the taut muscles respond to her touch. She could feel Clark’s gaze on her and as she looked up, her head grew dizzy with the look of longing he had in his eyes. Suddenly, Lois knew why her past relationships had never worked. Every breakup, every wrong guy she’d gone through was so she could find her way to him - Clark Kent. It was, and always would be Clark.

She stood on her toes, dusting his neck and collar bone with her soft kisses as she worked her way towards his lips. It was then that she felt the buttons of her shirt parting open and Clark’s fingers make contact with her warm, newly uncovered skin. They began to move faster as Lois shrugged off her blouse and slipped her arms out of the sleeves. She hooked her thumbs into the belt loops of his jeans and pulled him with her as she backed up to the bed. When her legs hit the mattress, Lois stopped and reached for the button and zipper as Clark wrapped his arms around her lower back. Her heart beat faster as she felt his hardness through the fabric. She pulled the zipper down and yanked the jeans to his knees, letting him step out of them and kick them aside to the growing pile of clothes.

Now it was Clark who fumbled with Lois’s zipper, but he managed to loosen it and watched the skirt slide down her legs, leaving her only in her underwear and bra. Lois bit her bottom lip seductively and pulled him onto the bed where she slid underneath his looming figure. Clark straddled her waist as both knees rested on the bed and gently lifted her back and unlatched the clasp of her bra, pulling it up and over her shoulders in one quick movement. He gazed at her exposed breasts with lust in his eyes and quickly lowered his head to take the left in his mouth. Lois gasped loudly at the unexpected action and moaned, clutching his shoulders as he sucked.

“Oh, God, Clark -” She reached for his boxers and managed to slid them off with her feet. Clark switched breasts as he kicked his boxers away and gave it the same amount of attention. Lois’s cries of pleasure were too sexy to stop, but he knew he wouldn’t be able to hold off for much longer.

He pulled his mouth away and Lois made a noise of distress, lifting her head to meet Clark’s lips in a breathless kiss before letting her head fall back to meet the mattress. She was half delirious with emotion, and she knew that the best was still yet to come.

Clark slipped his fingers underneath her panties and pulled them off, their quick breaths the only sounds in the room. Clark paused a moment before meeting Lois’s eyes in an intense gaze before kissing her forehead, her lips, her throat, working his way down her chest and stomach before stopping just above her soft triangle of hair. He kissed her so gently, his warm breath barely brushing her skin that Lois had to bite her lip from crying out.

“Clark…” She whispered, the tingle in her abdomen starting to grow.

Clark slid back above her, his forehead lightly resting on hers. As Lois looked into his eyes, she saw something other than the lust and the love she knew he had for her - she saw terror.

“You’re trembling…” Lois said as she touched his face.

“Lois, you have to do something for me.” Clark said lowly.


“You have to tell me if it hurts too badly. Promise me you’ll tell me to stop if it hurts too much.” He pleaded with her, feeling more scared than he could remember feeling in a long time.

Lois nodded, touched, and pulled his head to meet hers, kissing him gently. “I promise.” And then came the words Clark would never forget for the rest of his life.

“I love you, Clark. Show me you love me too.”

fanfiction clois salvation

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