Connie Willis Anticipation

Feb 01, 2010 17:29

I just received an email that the latest Connie Willis book Blackout is on its way to me. It has been a full eight years... eight years!!! since her last full length novel. (And, I have to admit, Passage, published in 2002, wasn't my favorite of her works.) I pretty much worship the ground Connie walks on. She is warm and funny and smart and sweet, and it boggles my brain that she is not better known outside of SF circles.

At my last WorldCon (in which she was the guest of honor), she was on a panel with Robert Silverberg and Anne McCaffrey and a couple of other super famous SF writers, and she seemed genuinely touched and awed to be in such company, even though her stack of Hugo and Nebula awards beats just about anyone elses. (There was some reference to her Nebulas stuck next to her husband's bowling trophies at home.) Her largest fault is that she's really into the quality over the quantity and just doesn't write fast enough. *sigh*

She will be at the Beaverton Powells this coming Friday. Be there or be square!
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