Jury Duty

May 28, 2009 10:03

I have Multnomah County Jury Duty today. So far, this has consisted of arriving at the courthouse at 8:00am, taking off my shoes in order to get through the stupid metal detector, and sitting in a comfy chair for two hours. Shortly after I got there, one of the judges came up and gave an overly perky speech about how grateful she was to all of us for being here and how in awe she is of the decisions we will make. (A large black woman is sitting in the row behind me. About fifteen minutes ago, she was talking very loudly on her cell phone, battling ferociously with my focusing skills. She is now snoring. Anyway.) The judge had a story about how in China, they just selected 27,000 jurors to start a five year service. This is to make all of us feel better about sitting in this room for a day. After the judge went away, a clerk stepped up and read the rules and gave us more detailed information. Nothing new from the last time I was here a few years ago.

Two hours later, not a single jury has been called. I have my trusty laptop and a wireless connection, and so far this jury duty stuff has worked wonders on my work output, overheard cell phone calls and snoring notwithstanding.
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