Totally Confused

May 15, 2009 08:41

In some ways, the last couple of weeks have sucked eggs. My cat, the best cat in the whole freaking world, is dying (although not immediately), and I got in a huge fight with my mom in which I confirmed, yet again, that I really need to be working elsewhere, and I got that awful exhausted depressed feeling that consumed me for much of the winter. And yet.

Monday, we had dinner and Star Trek and good companionship and great conversation with Jiro. Tuesday and Wednesday, I worked on my 2-tempis with Monaco and had loads of fun gossiping with my barn friends. And last night, we went out with Mary and Al and Pat and Mary's friend Chris at the Hedge House and we laughed and laughed and laughed (the thought of Al needing 40 acres to himself so that he would have plenty of room to grow out his beard and hide in it still sends me into hysterics), and then we went over to Pix for desert beers and ice cream and chocolate. Absolute heaven. And this weekend, Kim is visiting, and we're going to hang out and garden and talk and talk and talk, and then a big group of some of my favorite friends and my brother and my niece are going to see Rocky Horror and do the Time Warp, and then on Sunday, we're having a barbecue to celebrate Aaron's graduation and we're going to drink beer and play games and hang out more with great friends and family and neighbors.

I may want some aspects of my life to change and be different, but I am still incredibly blessed to be surrounded and loved by such wonderful people in a great city.

friends, family, felix, mary, monaco, charmed life, food

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