(no subject)

Nov 18, 2005 11:39

Just now, I was finishing up a phone call with a business, and at the end of a conversation with an employee who was quite helpful, i heard myself say ...

"Very bye."


Where in my warped brain did that come from?

:: sigh ::

Anyway, I was voluntarily tagged by my friend Cara the other day.  Here's the question I have to answer:

Name at least two things you wish life could have or be and why. Then tag 4 people.

1. I wish life had a "friends" list like livejournal ... where I could choose to automatically share different levels and categories of my thoughts with people of my choosing, and they could do the same with me. 'Course it would have to have an on/off switch.

2. I wish life featured instantaneous travel ... so that distance no longer mattered.

Tag four people? I don't think four people even read my livejournal. So ... no go.
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