That's it... I think I've Christmased everything out this year.
viridis_ama and I spent a nice quiet Christmas eve together where she made many sumptuous snacks and we watched the original "Christmas Carole"; which I was very surprised to find out Viridis_ama had never watched before.
Christmas morning consisted of a great breakfast and present-opening... we got a bit of lounging in before we went over to celebrate Christmas with her side of the family.
I now have an ice-cream maker. I believe my mention of an ice-cream maker to family was probably prompted by a journal entry by
atara or
plonq. Who says the Internet is full of bad ideas?
On the 27th viridis_ama had a guest over, so I made myself scarce-ish by working in the basement for a few hours. I worked at finishing off putting glazing points and caulking on the last storm window (yes, still a bit behind in that project), and then puttered with more drywall taping. Over my remaining holidays I intend to put down some
Dricore in the office and then maybe the painting fairy will make a visit.
Yesterday was made up of Christmas with my side of the family, including a brunch of mini-quiches, was too much Christmas baking (is there such a thing as too much?), a turkey supper, and gift-extravaganza.
In all it was very good, though I'm definitely looking forward to spending time just chilling out and not having to think about family events.
I think I often get tired out by being around too many folks at once, though I'm getting better about it. There's probably also some sort've sliding guage that works between how many people there are and how well I know them and my whole comfort level.
I'm certain it'd be an interesting hypothesis to explore, but at the moment I'm far too lazy!