Being side-tracked does have its benefits

Apr 15, 2006 09:17

Well, the day has gotten off to a decent start and so far its been accomplishmentful, even if it is just the little things.

Renewed a domain name, which the reminded me to pay off some of my own bills.  Went online to do that, remembered that my tax return had been deposited (HOORAY!), and the figured that I'd best start some laundry before I do anything else.

Laundry on the go, I made myself some coffee and then settled back in.  Put an extra payment against my line of credit (damn you, beast from Hell!) and noticed my shocking credit limit of $20,000.  Oh yeah, like that's gonna happen... I'm flushing enough money down the toilet paying the interest on less than half of that amount.  I'd be up to my ear-lobes before I could blink if I even thought of spending that much money that I don't have!!

Flipping through my remaining paperwork I decided to reconcile my business books and get off to a good start this year to avoid additional fiscal frustration.  That being done I went to back-up the data but apparently ye olde zip-disk was full so I set about to do some digital house-keeping.  Clearing off some room, I found an old copy of my website dating back to around 1998 or so... plus a couple old drawings that I had forgotten... and one that still amuses me after all this time.  The 8.3 filename is aptly "angryfox.gif", and pretty much tells the story.

Sometimes when these little doodles show up again out of the past it can be super-pleasing... I'd almost forgotten about the little guy completely.  I can't see any coffee in the picture, so that's most likely the reason for the frowny-face.

It's also comforting to see that my penmanship hasn't improved.  There's something to be said about being consistent!

Anyhow, on-ward and upward.  I'm going to wrestle a bit more with some Flash animation... I love Corel RAVE's interface much more than Macromedia's Flash Studio, but I don't think RAVE scales up when it comes to the audio... but I keep consistently crashing Macromedia.  Doomed... doomed I tells ya!

And I'd subcontract the durn thing except that I haven't figured out proper storyboards and yadda-yadda-yadda.

Hrmm.  That could be more problem right there.

Of course, finishing my finances before anything else may be a wise decision, too!

flash, payment, angry, storyboard, finances, credit, macromedia, fox, drawing, rave

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