It was a weekend

May 29, 2007 08:54

A weekend of the sort that blurs together....

Friday - work, and dinner with old friends and some much-needed mindless-time.

Saturday - hours and hours of car-shopping, which was eventually successful. I have a new car (!!) (Well, new to me....)

Sunday - Pirates (eh...) and lunch with T, followed by a cookout at a co-worker's, which was vastly amusing.

Monday - faffing about the house, accomplishing less than we'd like, although accomplishing some.

In all, not high on the accomplishment front, although good on the relax, de-stress front. Not terrible on the eating front although poor on the exercise front. We need to get further cracking on the house-packing and organizing front (for the renovations). Also, summer school starts today, and while this class looks like it will be interesting, it also looks like there's a lot of work to do.

So I should get to it, eh?
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